Friday, March 04, 2022

MLBPA starts $1M fund for workers impacted by lockout; MLB follows suit

By Connor Grott

March 4 (UPI) -- The Major League Baseball Players Association is creating a $1 million fund to aid workers impacted by canceled games as a result of the ongoing lockout.

In addition, ESPN reported that MLB also will be setting up a fund for impacted workers. Details of MLB's fund have yet to be announced.

The MLBPA said in a statement Friday that the fund will be administered by the union and the AFL-CIO. The money will be distributed to stadium workers and others who are facing financial hardships caused by baseball's current labor dispute, which was in its 93rd day.

"Many aren't seen or heard, but they are vital to the entertainment experience of our games," union executive board members Max Scherzer and Andrew Miller said in a statement. "Unfortunately, they will also be among those affected by the owner-imposed lockout and the cancellation of games. Through this fund, we want to let them know that they have our support."

Spring training games failed to begin as scheduled on Feb. 26 due to MLB's work stoppage. Earlier this week, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred canceled the first two series for each club in the regular season, which was supposed to start March 31.

The Players Association listed broadcast and concession crews, security, ushers, electricians, transportation and janitors as among those needed for MLB games.

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