Thursday, March 10, 2022

Ukraine energy minister says Russians are forcing staff of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant to participate in the creation of propaganda

Published: March 9, 2022
By Associated Press

A still frame from livestreamed video on March 4 from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Authority showing explosions amid Russian shelling of the complex.

LVIV, Ukraine — Ukraine’s energy minister said Russian forces that now control a Ukrainian nuclear plant are forcing the exhausted staff to record an address that they plan to use for propaganda purposes.

Russian troops have been in control of the Zaporizhzhia plant, the largest in Europe, since seizing it an attack on Friday that set a building on fire and raised fears of a nuclear disaster. It was later determined that no radiation was released.

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Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said on Facebook that about 500 Russian soldiers and 50 pieces of heavy equipment are inside the station. He said the Ukrainian staff are “physically and emotionally exhausted.”

Russia describes the war as a “special military operation” and says it is conducting targeted attacks. Halushchenko’s reference to propaganda appears to refer to Russian efforts to show it is not endangering Ukrainian civilians or infrastructure.

Read on: Ukraine calls for ceasefire for urgent Chernobyl repairs after nuclear plant is reportedly knocked off power grid

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