Saturday, March 05, 2022

Ukraine solidarity rally set for Vancouver as war with Russia intensifies

Demonstrators gather at the Vancouver Art Gallery in support of Ukraine on Saturday, Feb. 26. Emad Agahi / Global News

Vancouver is set to play host to the latest in a series of rallies in support of the people of Ukraine on Saturday, as Russia’s war with the Eastern European country escalates.

Demonstrators are set to gather at the Vancouver Art Gallery’s north plaza at 1 p.m.

READ MORE: Partial ceasefire collapses as Ukraine, Russia trade blame over civilian evacuations

“The war is not over — the bombs are still killing civilians in Ukraine. People are losing their homes, savings, assets, and most importantly — their lives,” organizers wrote in a Facebook post for the event.

Click to play video: 'More than 1,000 rally against Russian invasion of Ukraine in Downtown Vancouver'More than 1,000 rally against Russian invasion of Ukraine in Downtown Vancouver
More than 1,000 rally against Russian invasion of Ukraine in Downtown Vancouver

“It is our duty as people of this city to show support and stand in a united front against Russian invasion and annexation of a sovereign state.”

READ MORE: Vancouver Russian Community Centre vandalized with blue and yellow paint

Organizers are also calling on supporters to donate to Ukrainian aid and to pressure Canadian politicians to take a stronger stance against Russia.

Last Saturday, huge crowds descended on the same public square to show solidarity with Ukrainians.

READ MORE: How British Columbians can help Ukrainians as fighting with Russia intensifies

Another rally is scheduled for Sunday at 1 p.m. at Vancouver’s Jack Poole Plaza.

Western solidarity demos demand end to Ukraine war

In the centre of Rome, unions and organisations rallied in a large 'procession of peace' (AFP/Filippo MONTEFORTE)

Sat, March 5, 2022

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday in cities from Paris to New York in support of Ukraine, demanding an end to Russia's invasion.

Citizens worldwide have been horrified by Russian President Vladimir Putin's attack, which began on February 24 and appeared to be entering a new phase with escalating bombardment.

Around 41,600 people demonstrated in 119 protests in towns and cities across France, according to interior ministry estimates. In Paris itself, some 16,000 turned out.

"Despite the suffering, we are going to win, we are sure of it," said Nataliya, a Franco-Ukrainian with the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag draped over shoulders, at the Paris protest.

She declined to give her full name because of concerns about the safety of her son in Ukraine. "We are proud of their courage, their determination," she added.

"We will be here every weekend, in Paris or elsewhere, until Putin leaves, withdraws his tanks," said Aline Le Bail-Kremer, a member of Stand With Ukraine, one of the organisers of the protest.

One of the largest rallies to demand the withdrawal of Russia's troops from Ukraine on the invasion's 10th day was in Zurich, where organisers believed 40,000 people took part

Switzerland's ATS news agency reported.

Demonstrators in the largest Swiss city called for "peace now", while others carried signs saying: "Stop War" and "Peace".

Hundreds also turned out in London, including Ukrainians whose families were forced to flee Russian bombs.

"We need to keep on reminding everyone, we need to stay united to support our country," said Olena Marcyniuk, 36, at a protest in central London's Trafalgar Square with her children aged 14 months and nine years.

"Maybe somehow (we can) get through to Russia as well that the world is for Ukraine and that it needs to start acting to stop the war."

Much of her family had fled, but her uncle stayed in Kyiv to "fight for the city", she said.

- 'No to Putin, no to NATO' -

In the centre of Rome, unions and organisations rallied in a large "procession of peace", demonstrating against Putin but also NATO.

"No base, no soldier, Italy out of NATO," chanted pacifists preceded by a large flag in the colours of the rainbow.

"This is perhaps one of the first real demonstrations for peace," Italian cartoonist, actor and writer Vauro Senesi told AFP.

"Here no one believes we make peace with arms, that we make it by sending arms to one of the parties (Ukraine)."

More than a thousand people also demonstrated in the Croatian capital Zagreb with banners saying: "Stop the War, Save Europe" and "Glory to Ukraine".

In the Balkans, the invasion has revived dark memories of the bloody break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, which killed more than 100,000 people during a series of conflicts.

Across the Atlantic Ocean, several thousand people gathered in New York's Times Square.

They carried sunflowers, Ukraine's national flower, and signs calling to "Stop Russian terrorism".

At a podium, several speakers echoed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which NATO has so far resisted for fear of triggering a direct conflict with Russia.

Last weekend, hundreds of thousands also turned out in yellow and blue across Europe including in Russia, Germany, Spain, Finland and the Czech Republic.


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