Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Abbas urges end to Israel's looting of Palestinian water

Abbas’ speech marks World Water Day

News Service18:19 March 22, 2022

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday called for halting Israel's looting of Palestinian water resources.

"How long will the world remain silent about the fate and life of our Palestinian people being held hostage by the [Israeli] occupier through its racist practices and its control over our resources and our legitimate rights," Abbas said in a speech marking World Water Day.

Abbas said the world must find "just solutions to the issue of water that our [Palestinian] people suffer from."

"The [Israeli] occupation controls the water sources below and above the ground." Abbas said. “Greed of the occupation in our land and water is still the basis for all illegal settlement expansion,” he added.

Marked on March 22, World Water Day highlights the importance of fresh water. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Writing by Ahmed Asmar

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