Friday, March 18, 2022


Blacks Are The Most Stopped by The Police in Rio in any Situation, Says Survey

Blacks and browns represent 48% of the carioca population, but 63% of the people stopped by agents


On the street, on the beach, in the car, on public transport, on the motorcycle, in the taxi, at the party. No matter the situation, Blacks are the group most stopped by police officers in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and also those who suffer the most abuse or embarrassment on these occasions, a new survey has concluded. Blacks and browns represent 48% of the population of Rio, but 63% of people say they have already been stopped for a search, points out the report "Suspicious Element," released this Tuesday (15) by the Center for Security and Citizenship Studies (Cesec) from the Candido Mendes University.

For the survey, the Datafolha Institute spoke to 3,500 people at "flow points" in the capital from May 4 to 6, 2021, of which 39% said they had already been approached by agents. Among these, a sample of 739 respondents was chosen, representative of the municipality. Then, for a qualitative step, the researchers talked to groups made up of young favela residents, young white people, delivery men, app drivers, women and military police.

Sought to comment on the results, the Rio de Janeiro Military Police, responsible for the vast majority of these actions, replied that "there is no racial bias in its performance and its mission to combat armed criminals" and that it follows strict protocols of action.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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