Friday, April 01, 2022

Abigail Disney takes aim at the 'radical ideologues' attacking her family's company over LGBTQ rights

Travis Gettys
April 01, 2022

Abigail Disney (Screen Capture)

Abigail Disney said she was "delighted" by the right-wing attacks on the iconic entertainment company founded by her grandfather and his brother because the campaign might finally force businesses to confront their support for bigotry.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signaled support for ending the Walt Disney Company's special status as an independent government around its Orlando-area theme park, and the granddaughter of co-founder Roy Disney took aim at the "radical ideologues" attacking the company for its opposition to anti-LGBTQ legislation in the state.

"Like all radical ideologues, the right wing has finally run amok and is coming to devour the hand that feeds it: Business," tweeted Disney, a documentary filmmaker who has no connection to the family business. "For my part I am delighted. It is the business world that has been, either by act or omission, feeding the opportunist right wing to distract us with culture war nonsense while they rifle through the till and empty everyone's pockets. This 'anti-woke' right wing nonsense is unsupported by a large majority of Americans. In fact most Americans are offended by it and wish it would just go away."

Disney explained that minority rule required an always-riled base and lots of money, and to generate a new outrage, she said the right was now turning on the businesses who had been supporting their cause.

"Until now, business has been content to do just that," she tweeted. "Or they compartmentalized like sociopaths when they funded folks like Dennis Baxley who wrote the hateful Don't Say Gay bill because as the CEO claimed, he had no way of knowing he might vote for legislation like that. Or else they have chosen silence."

"Their silence brought us Donald Trump," Disney added. "Apparently the racism and the xenophobia and the misogyny weren't deal breakers. Their silence, or at least willingness to compartmentalize when it came to politicians who were willing to fight for their outrageous and multi-decade campaign to stack the deck against the American People brought us this whole raft of Trump wanna-be's now casting about for new and more insidious ways to tear the country apart."

Disney said she was hopeful the attacks on the company her family started might break that mutually beneficial relationship.

"Perhaps the right wing has finally bitten the hand that has been feeding it superfoods these last few decades," she tweeted. "This is a monster of corporate America's creation. Until now they've managed to dodge the worst of it by feigning 'neutrality' --even when decent human beings were being actively harmed by right wing activism. The only thing that will work for business now if they want to emerge in one piece, is to stand tall for authenticity, generosity, joy and decency."

"These things are [kryptonite] for the right wing agenda," Disney added. "So the cure for this isn't hard. And it also just so happens to be the heart and soul of the Disney brand."

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