Friday, April 22, 2022

Bruce Power further exploring hydrogen production

Bruce Power is studying the feasibility of making hydrogen with excess energy from its nuclear reactors, which is specifically mentioned in Ontario’s new low-carbon hydrogen strategy announced April 7.

Author of the article: Scott Dunn
Publishing date: Apr 20, 2022
James Scongack

Among the eight immediate strategic actions listed in the provincial vision for a “low-carbon hydrogen economy” is Bruce Power’s hydrogen feasibility study and the company’s support for a “centre of excellence” in the region.

Ontario set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Low-carbon hydrogen could be used in public transportation, for space heating in homes and businesses and in industry, the province says.

Energy is needed to release hydrogen from other elements to which it is bonded.

Hydrogen made from carbon-free electricity, such as from nuclear or hydroelectric sources, and biomass, results in zero or near zero greenhouse gas emissions, the province says. Electrolysis uses electricity to separate hydrogen and oxygen in water, for example.

Ontario is looking at establishing hydrogen hubs in areas of the province where there’s demand for hydrogen but also where hydrogen can be produced using existing infrastructure.

Bruce Power is examining using some energy from the reactors its refurbishing, all eight or which are to be upgraded to produce 7,000 megawatts at peak in the 2030s, to create hydrogen, said James Scongack, who leads Bruce Power’s net-zero initiatives.

“What we would do is have one of two kinds of energy, either in the form of electricity or steam, that through the feasibility study we’ll seek to identify, that would then be used for a hydrogen-production process, likely off-site, by other people,” he said.

Bruce Power signed a memorandum of understanding for the feasibility study with Owen Sound-based Hydrogen Optimized, which is providing its high-current unipolar water electrolysis systems.

Greenfield Global, described as the largest producer of renewable fuels in Canada, and Hensall Co-op, a farm products, fuel and crop services member-owned co-operative, are other partners. Neither responded to a request for comment in time for publication.

Greenfield Global partnered with Bruce Power last year on what was touted as the first feasibility study in Canada of the business case for hydrogen production using nuclear-generated energy, which built on earlier work done in the region.

“Greenfield, they’re looking at this and saying, as we move to net zero, what are the fuels we are going to provide our customers?” Scongack said.

Bruce Power Net Zero Inc. is the third partner. Bruce Power announced last fall it will explore complementary technologies to nuclear energy. The company is working closely with the Ministry of Energy, Scongack said.

The feasibility study will be done in partnership with the Hydrogen Business Council and is to be completed in early 2023, said Scongack, an executive vice-president at Bruce Power.

“By no means are we at the stage yet where we are saying we’re ready to blast out with a hydrogen economy. This is what I would call very prudent, methodical first feasibility steps,” he said.

“We know in the fight against climate change . . . right now we do not have enough tools in the toolbox to meet the challenges. So you’re putting everything on the table and figuring how do I maximize it.”

Environmental Defence energy analyst Keith Brooks said if unneeded electricity from nuclear can be used to make hydrogen, that’s OK. He called it “pink” rather than “green” hydrogen, given the nuclear waste disposal problem.

“I just think that people shouldn’t get too excided about this hydrogen thing overall, Brooks said. “I think hydrogen is, everyone’s loving to talk about this now; this is our newest path to de-carbonization.”

“But the real pathway, the clearest pathway to de-carbonization to get into net-zero, is electricity. Move as many things to electricity as possible, and then to decarbonize the electricity grid as possible,” Brooks said.

Hydrogen’s role would be in limited areas including aviation, long-haul shipping, steel production, where electricity cannot be used as a replacement, he said.

He doesn’t see hydrogen replacing natural gas for home heating because only a fraction of hydrogen can be blended with natural gas. Otherwise, the infrastructure for natural gas would have to be replaced to use hydrogen instead.

Brooks said the electrolysis method with water is preferable to using steam to split hydrogen from methanol because you have to do something with the carbon created. If biomass relies on growing corn involving lots of fertilizer and pesticides, other environmental issues arise, he added.

Hydrogen extracted from biomass using steam and oxygen creates carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, the province notes. The resulting carbon monoxide reacts with water and forms more carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

The province says biofuels, forest, agriculture and municipal biomass could be used. The province is consulting on changing legislation to allow carbon storage on Crown land, the provincial hydrogen strategy says.

The province says most hydrogen today is made from natural gas using a steam methane reformation process. It’s the cheapest way but because it creates carbon, capture, utilization and storage of unwanted carbon might be a solution.

Other actions in the plan include development of a new electricity rate for large electricity customers, the proposed Interruptible Rate pilot, with future rate changes possible after consultations.

The plan authorizes Atura Power, Ontario Power Generation’s subsidiary, to produce hydrogen using a 20-megawat electrolyzer at Niagara Falls, and will identify “hydrogen hub” locations where local demand for hydrogen could be met using existing electricity infrastructure.

The Independent Electricity System Operator is to report on how to support hydrogen storage and grid integration pilot projects. For the full plan and action list, visit

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