Sunday, April 17, 2022

Gay Missouri lawmaker to GOP colleague: ‘I’m not afraid of you anymore’

By Jon Levine
April 16, 2022 
Representative Ian Mackey told another lawmaker that he is not afraid of him or his bigotry.
Ian Mackey/ Facebook

Drama erupted in the Missouri State House over a proposed law that would prevent trans women from participating in women’s sports.

In a passionate speech on Thursday, state Representative Ian Mackey, 35, blasted Representative Chuck Basye, 63, over his support of the Save Women’s Sports bill, which would allow school districts to ban those who are biologically male from participating in K-12 athletics with women. The legislation was an amendment to a different bill designed to audit the state’s voter rolls, the Springfield News-Leader reported.

“This is the legislation you want to put forward. This is what consumes your time… I was afraid of people like you growing up,” said Mackey, who is gay. “Thank God I made it out. I think every day of the kids who are still there who haven’t made it out, who haven’t escaped from this kind of bigotry. Gentlemen, I’m not afraid of you anymore.”

The Democratic lawmaker made his speech personal, referencing Basye’s gay brother.

“Your brother wanted to tell you he was gay, didn’t he?” Mackey demanded. When Basye responded that his brother had feared his family would “hold that against him,” Mackey asked the lawmaker, “Why would he think that?”
Mackey told Representative Chuck Basye that he would have been afraid to come out as gay to him in his youth.
Stephen Eisele/Facebook, Chuck Basye/Facebook

Bayse took to Facebook to call Mackey a “loudmouth crybaby” for his behavior.Chuck Basye/ Facebook

Basye’s brother is gay and said he was afraid to tell his family because they would “hold that against him.”Chuck Basye/ Facebook

“I would have been afraid to tell you, too. I would have been afraid to tell you to because of stuff like this, because this is what you’re focused on,” Mackey said.

The bill ended up passing 89-40 after nearly three hours of debate. Similar legislation has advanced in state houses around the country as part of growing debate about allowing transgender women to participate in sports previously reserved for biological women.

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