Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Israeli forces kill young Palestinian refugee in West Bank

The New Arab Staff
26 April, 2022

Occupying Israeli forces have killed Palestinian refugee Ahmed Ibrahim Oweidat, 20, in the West Bank city of Jericho in the latest in a series of attacks

The Fatah movement in Jericho declared a general strike in protest at the young man's death

Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man on Tuesday when they stormed a refugee camp in the occupied West Bank city of Jericho.

The Palestinian health ministry said 20-year-old Ahmed Ibrahim Oweidat "succumbed to critical wounds sustained by live bullets to the head, at dawn today in Aqabat Jaber camp" which is near Jericho.

The incident is the latest in a series of Israeli attacks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem - including at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third-holiest site - amid the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Oweidat is the 25th Palestinian to have been killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank since late month.

The official Palestinian news agency Wafa said three men were injured when the "undercover" forces raided the camp overnight.

With the exception of the health sector, the Fatah movement in Jericho declared a general strike in protest of his death.

Israel's army in a statement to AFP said that soldiers conducted an overnight operation in Aqabat "to apprehend wanted suspects."

Israeli settlers shoot Palestinian farmers in West Bank

"During the operational activity, dozens of Palestinians violently rioted and attacked the soldiers. The rioters burned tires, and hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails at the soldiers.

"The soldiers responded with riot dispersal means and live ammunition," the statement said, adding that no Israeli soldiers were hurt.

Over 600,000 Israeli settlers reside in the West Bank, which has been occupied by Israeli forces since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, in settlements which are illegal under international law.

Palestinians in the West Bank regularly face intimidation, violence, and restrictions on day-to-day activity from settlers and Israeli forces.

Agencies contributed to this report.

Hamas: Palestinians’ Strong Steadfastness Thwarts Israeli Plots in Aqsa Mosque

TEHRAN (FNA)- A high-ranking member of Hamas resistance movement said the recent developments in the occupied Al-Quds mark “a new victory for the Palestinian nation similar to the Operation Al-Quds Sword".

The Palestinian resistance front has managed to propagate its discourse, Moussa Abu Marzouk, a member of Hamas political bureau, stated, Palinfo reported.

Abu Marzouk pointed out that local residents of Al-Quds rose up in defense of sacred Islamic and Christian sites in the holy city, noting that those living in the West Bank presented a great example of resistance and sacrifice despite Israeli restrictive measures.

Palestinian officials and resistance groups have repeatedly voiced concerns over the Israeli regime’s plot to divide Al-Aqsa into Jewish and Muslim sections or set visiting times.

Israeli forces have repeatedly attacked Palestinian worshipers at the site since early April, with the onset of the holy month of Ramadan which coincided with Jewish Passover.

More than 150 Palestinian worshipers were injured when Israeli forces stormed the compound in the holy occupied city of Al-Quds’ Old City last week. The forces have kept up their violations on the flashpoint site besides cracking down on solidarity protests throughout the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian FM Calls on International Community to Stop Israeli Aggression, Criminal Acts

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates called on the international community to fulfill its responsibilities and adopt appropriate measures to stop the Israeli regime’s violations of human rights and criminal acts, particularly its land expropriation and settlement expansion policies.

The ministry has urged the international community to fulfill its obligations by taking necessary legal steps to compel the occupying Tel Aviv regime to stop its violations and aggression, and to pressure Israel to engage in serious negotiations that would put an end to the occupation of Palestinian-owned land, WAFA News Agency reported.

International measures have so far failed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and have instead given Israel more time to eliminate the remaining opportunities for the so-called two-state solution, the statement noted.

The Palestinian foreign ministry then held the Israeli regime fully and directly responsible for expansion of illegal settlements, Judaization of Al-Quds as well as attempts to disconnect the occupied holy city from its Palestinian neighborhoods.

It emphasized that Israeli authorities are exploiting the international situation and racing against time to advance their expansionist colonial projects, and to implement the apartheid system in occupied Palestinian territories.

The ministry described Israel’s practices and plans as a coup against the existing agreements, stressing that the Tel Aviv regime is fiercely opposed to peace.

The Palestinian foreign ministry finally condemned Israeli regime’s plans aimed at the expansion of existing settlements and outposts, construction of new settler units, as well as confiscation and razing of Palestinian lands.

Palestinian officials and resistance groups have repeatedly voiced concerns over the Israeli regime’s plot to divide Al-Aqsa into Jewish and Muslim sections or set visiting times.

Israeli forces have repeatedly attacked Palestinian worshipers at the site since early April, with the onset of the holy month of Ramadan which coincided with Jewish Passover.

The clashes in Al-Quds had sparked fears of another armed conflict similar to an 11-day war last year between Israel and Gaza-based Palestinian resistance groups, including Hamas.

Israel waged the war last May in response to Palestinian retaliation against violent raids on worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque and the regime’s plans to force a number of Palestinian families out of their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Al-Quds.

According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, 260 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli offensive, including 66 children and 40 women.

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