Thursday, April 28, 2022

Mexico ‘crime scene’ skulls turn out to be from 900 AD

When Mexican police found a pile of about 150 skulls in a cave in 2012, they thought they were looking at a crime scene.

There were more females than males among the victims, and none of them had any teeth, according to the tests [File: EPA]

Published On 28 Apr 2022

When Mexican police found a pile of about 150 skulls in a cave near the Guatemalan border, they thought they were looking at a crime scene, and took the bones to the state capital.

It turns out the discovery in 2012 was a very cold case.

It took a decade of tests and analysis to determine the skulls were from sacrificial victims killed between 900 and 1200 AD, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said on Wednesday.

“Believing they were looking at a crime scene, investigators collected the bones and started examining them in Tuxtla Gutierrez,” (the Chiapas state capital), according to a statement by the INAH.

The border area around the Frontera Comalapa town in southern Chiapas state has long been plagued by violence and immigrant trafficking.

Pre-Hispanic skull piles in Mexico usually show a hole bashed through each side of every skull, and were usually found in ceremonial plazas, not caves.

But experts said on Wednesday the victims in the cave had probably been ritually decapitated and the skulls put on display on a kind of trophy rack known as a “tzompantli”.

Spanish conquistadores wrote about seeing such racks in the 1520s, and some Spaniards’ heads even wound up on them.

While usually strung on wooden poles using holes bashed through them — the common practice among the Aztecs and other cultures — experts say the cave skulls may have rested atop poles, rather than being strung on them.

Interestingly, there were more females than males among the victims, and none of them had any teeth.

In light of the cave experience, archaeologist Javier Montes de Paz said people should probably call archaeologists, not the police.

“When people find something that could be in an archaeological context, don’t touch it and notify local authorities or directly the INAH,” he said.

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