Monday, April 25, 2022

 Nova Scotia

Classes resume Monday at Université Sainte-Anne after 7-week strike ends

The university and faculty union have agreed to go ahead

 with binding arbitration

Faculty at Université Sainte-Anne in Church Point, N.S., had been on strike and walking the picket line since March 3. (Darryl Whetter)

Classes will resume Monday at Nova Scotia's only French language post-secondary institution, after a seven-week strike strike by professors and librarians ended.

A news release on the Université Sainte-Anne website on Thursday said following successful mediation, the university and the faculty union — the APPBUSA — agreed to go ahead with binding arbitration.

An email sent to the university community on Friday said the university's board of governors approved adding an extra week of classes to the winter term.

The faculty had been on strike at the Church Point university since March 3.

The union said it was seeking pay equity with professors in English-speaking institutions. It was also demanding their workload be rebalanced to meet the requirements of a new strategic plan announced by the university.

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