Friday, April 29, 2022


WATCH| French President Emmanuel Macron Pelted With Tomatoes

WATCH| France President Emmanuel Macron Pelted With Tomatoes
French President Emmanuel Macron (Image Credit: ABC News)

French President Emmanuel Macron who was recently reelected had to scurry for cover after a protestor pelted him with tomatoes.

Emmanuel Macron was attacked during his first election victory walkabout in France where he was meeting voters at a market in Cergy, northwest of Paris.

President Macron was not directly hit but it sent his security team into a frenzy as they tried to shield him with an umbrella and prevent the rain of tomatoes from hitting him.

According to the Daily Mail UK, the president said, ‘it’s not serious’ before he was ushered away by his bodyguards.

Watch the video below;

This is not the first time President Macron had some crowd problems. In 2021,  he was slapped in the face on an official visit to the southeast of France.

In the video which went viral on social media, Macron was walking up to a barrier on a trip to Tain-l’Hermitage outside the city of Valence when a man in a green T-shirt slapped him in the face.

The man reportedly shouted “Down with Macron-ism” as he slapped the president.

The president was quickly pulled away from the crowd.

The man was arrested fafter the incident. He was later sentenced to 4 months in prison.

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