Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Amazona Zoo announces birth of rare Brazilian tapir

May 24 (UPI) -- The Amazona Zoo in England has announced the birth of a rare Brazilian tapir to parents Ennis and Lutador.

Ennis gave birth following a 13-month gestation. The 10-year-old tapir previously had three failed pregnancies.

"We are so happy. Ennis the mother hasn't had the easiest time trying to be a mum. She has had three failed pregnancies due to differing factors. With a gestation of 13 months, it is a long time to wait to try again," head keeper Imogen White said in a statement.

Ennis gave birth to a healthy male and had no issues during the birth.

"The keepers and myself have been through the losses that Ennis has suffered over the years and have been heartbroken. So to say that we are over the moon with this successful birth feels like an understatement. We are all so proud of Ennis. We all knew she could be a good mum and she is now getting to prove how excellent she is at the job, so attentive and protective," White said.

The Amazona Zoo uploaded to Twitter a photo of the newborn with Ennis.

Tapirs are an endangered species that are native to the jungle and forest regions of South America, Central America and Southeast Asia.

World Tapir Day, which is celebrated annually on April 27, was created by conservationists in 2008 to raise awareness about the endangered species.

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