Friday, May 27, 2022


Norfolk hospitals set up food banks for staff struggling in the cost of living crisis

A trade union has described it as a 'shocking state of affairs'

Ashlea Hickin
Trainee Reporter
26 MAY 2022
Trussell Trust food bank at Queens road Baptist church in Coventry (Image: © SWNS)

Hospitals in Norfolk have set up food banks for NHS staff who have been left unable to afford basic food due to the rising cost of living prices. At leas six NHS trusts have brought in food banks amid fears that healthcare worker are not able to keep up with the rising prices.

Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust and Norfolk Community Health and Care have joined a number of other NHS Trusts across the country in setting up the food banks, after they found that some staff were "struggling to stay afloat".

A spokesperson from the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust said: “As a large employer in Norfolk and Suffolk we are concerned about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on our staff. We have recently set up a food bank to support staff who may be struggling to afford increasing household costs including food and bills. We will keep talking to our staff about how best we can support them and do everything we are able to to help.”

A spokesperson from the Norfolk Community Health and Care said: “NCH&C is one of several NHS trusts in the region that is providing its staff with access to food banks. We are finalising a process to enable our Staffside trade union colleagues to give vouchers to staff that need access to local food banks.

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