Sunday, May 08, 2022

Socialist Economist sworn in as Costa Rica president

Rodrigo Chaves is Costa Rica's 49th president

Sun, May 8, 2022,

Economist and former finance minister Rodrigo Chaves was sworn in Sunday as Costa Rica's president for a four-year mandate focused on reinvigorating one of Latin America's most stable economies.

The former World Bank executive, who resigned from the global lender amid a sexual harassment scandal, has made it his mission to tackle Costa Rica's economic recline.

The country is faced with rising foreign debt -- about 70 percent of GDP -- a poverty rate of 23 percent, unemployment of 14 percent, and public sector corruption.

Tourism, one of the country’s main economic drivers, was hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, and the country of 5.2 million people experienced an increase in unemployment equaled in the region only by Peru.

"It is fundamental for the country that Chaves improves the economy," Adrian Aguiluz, a 35-year-old resident of the capital, said ahead of the inauguration.

"This new government has an opportunity to do something different."

Chaves, who served six months as finance minister in the outgoing government, won a runoff election over former president Jose Maria Figueres -- himself tainted by a corruption scandal.

The 60-year-old Chaves had been a surprise qualifier for the April 3 final race, having polled fourth ahead of February's first round.

While he was a senior official at the World Bank, where he worked for 30 years, he was investigated over sexual harassment complaints brought by multiple women.

He was demoted, and later resigned to take on the role of finance minister in President Carlos Alvarado's government.

Last month, Chaves offered "sincere apologies" to two accusers, young subordinates, having previously said the alleged harassment amounted to mere "jokes" that were "misinterpreted due to cultural differences."

This week, Chaves said his government would not ratify the Escazu Agreement that establishes protection for environmentalists, arguing it was unnecessary and would harm the economy. Costa Rica, a regional leader in environmental protection, had hosted the signing of the agreement in 2018.

The new president has also vowed to improve Costa Rica's deal with the IMF for a loan of more than $1.7 billion.

Spanish King Felipe VI attended the ceremony at Congress in San Jose, along with heads of state and delegations from nearly 100 countries.


Costa Rica: Rodrigo Chaves takes office as president

The economist and former finance minister has been sworn in for a four-year term. Chaves wants to reinvigorate the country's ailing economy, but he also faces controversy over earlier sexual harassment allegations.

Chaves previously served as finance minister

Costa Rica's new president Rodrigo Chaves was sworn in on Sunday, promising to fight corruption and revive the economy.

The former World Bank economist won a four-year term last month in a runoff with former President Jose MarĂ­a Figueres, himself tainted by a corruption scandal.

The party of Chaves' predecessor Carlos Alvarado was almost obliterated during the first-round election in February, receiving no seats in the new Legislative Assembly.

Chaves' Social Democratic Progressive Party has only 10 of 57 seats in the legislature and he turned out to be a surprise qualifier for the runoff, having come fourth in the first round.

What did Chaves tell voters?

Shortly after being given the ceremonial presidential sash, Chaves lashed out at the state of the nation, complaining of the high cost of living, crime, drug trafficking and long lines at social security offices.

He warned that "if the political class fails one more time, the country could fall apart."

"We will not only put the house in order, we will rebuild it," Chaves vowed. "Change is urgently needed. I will not accept defeat. Costa Rica does not have to accept defeat."
Promises on women's rights

Chaves also promised to stamp out gender discrimination and the abuse of women, as feminist groups protested nearby.

Their rally was a reminder to the 60-year-old former finance minister about allegations of sexual harassment that prompted his resignation from the World Bank.

An internal investigation found that from 2008 to 2013, Chaves made unwelcome comments about physical appearances and unwelcome sexual advances toward multiple bank employees.

Last month, he offered "sincere apologies" to two accusers, young subordinates, having previously said the alleged harassment amounted to mere "jokes" that were "misinterpreted."

Spain's King Felipe VI and other heads of state or government and delegations from nearly 100 countries traveled for the inauguration.

Shortly after his address, Chaves signed his first decrees, including scrapping obligatory mask-wearing for most people.

Chaves has long to-do list

Costa Rica, with a population of around 5 million, is considered one of the most politically stable countries in Central America.

Nevertheless, the country struggles with social inequality, corruption, hunger and drug trafficking.

Chaves takes over an economy in decline, with rising foreign debt — about 70% of GDP — a poverty rate of 23%, unemployment of nearly 14%, and public sector corruption.

Tourism, one of the country's main economic drivers, was hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, severely spiking unemployment.

Chaves has previously vowed to improve the terms of an agreement Costa Rica reached with the IMF for a loan of more than $1.7 billion (€1.61 billion).

mm/wd (AFP, AP, dpa, Reuters)

Himself accused, Costa Rica's president vows to tackle sex harassment

Dozens of women protested against gender-based violence and unequal pay

Sun, May 8, 2022, 

Costa Rica's new president Rodrigo Chaves, elected despite a cloud of sexual harassment allegations, took the oath of office Sunday with promises to revive the economy and end the abuse of women in his country.

As feminist organizations protested nearby, the right-wing economist said the "first political commitment" of his four-year term would be to stamp out gender discrimination and harassment.

"We will not tolerate the harassment they (women) suffer every day and in all areas of society," he told congress after being sworn in to lead one of Latin America's most stable democracies.

"It cannot be that our women are afraid to walk alone on the street, feel afraid in their own home, at work, in a park, at a concert."

Chaves, 60, was investigated over sexual harassment complaints brought by women while he was a senior official at the World Bank, where he worked for 30 years.

He was demoted over the claims, and later resigned.

Last month, Chaves offered "sincere apologies" to two accusers, young subordinates, having previously said the alleged harassment amounted to mere "jokes" that were "misinterpreted due to cultural differences."

- 'We will be vigilant' -

Dozens of women protested Sunday near the seat of congress against gender violence and unequal pay in a country where abortion is allowed only if the woman's life is in danger.

"We are telling the country and the president-elect that we are here. That we will be vigilant," Sharo Rosales of the Women in Action movement told local media.

Chaves takes over an economy in decline, with rising foreign debt -- about 70 percent of GDP -- a poverty rate of 23 percent, unemployment of nearly 14 percent, and public sector corruption.

Vowing to "repair the country," he said: "We will not just clean house. We will rebuild it!"

Tourism, one of the country’s main economic drivers, was hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, and the country of 5.2 million people experienced an increase in unemployment equaled in the region only by Peru.

"If the political class fails once more, our country could fall apart," Chaves said.

He has previously vowed to improve the terms of an agreement Costa Rica's reached with the IMF for a loan of more than $1.7 billion.

The economist, who served six months as finance minister in the outgoing government, won a runoff election over former president Jose Maria Figueres -- himself tainted by a corruption scandal.

Chaves had been a surprise qualifier for the April 3 final race, having polled fourth ahead of February's first round.

This week, Chaves said his government would not ratify the so-called Escazu Agreement that establishes protection for environmentalists, arguing it was unnecessary and would harm the economy.

Costa Rica, a regional leader in environmental protection, had hosted the signing of the agreement in 2018.

Chaves did not address environmental issues in his first public speech.

Shortly after his inaugural address, Chaves signed his first decrees, including scrapping obligatory mask-wearing for people other than front-line health workers, and compulsory coronavirus vaccination for the public sector.

Spanish King Felipe VI attended the ceremony at Congress in San Jose, along with other heads of state or government and delegations from nearly 100 countries.


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