Saturday, May 28, 2022

Hundreds of students attend protest march in Chile

 Last updated: 11 hours ago

Hundreds of students protested in Santiago, Chile on Friday, demanding that food subsidies and funds for structural improvements to public schools be allocated in the country's budget. At one particularly violent intersection police were forced to use their water cannon trucks to put out a bus set on fire by a group of protesters. No arrests had been made and no one was reported as injured. Recently inaugurated President Gabriel Boric's approval ratings have dropped with some pollsters registering his popularity now at 24% after his apparent willingness to appeal to the military for assistance in domestic security issues. As a student leader, Boric often led protests against inequality that rocked the country that was once seen as a bedrock of political stability in the region. As a candidate, he vowed to bring a seismic shift in the political landscape. Now some of his voters are disappointed that change appears slow and the students are returning to the streets to register their displeasure.

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