Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Hungary’s Orban says shows like Tucker Carlson’s should be broadcast ’24/7′


American television host and conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson is seen on screen delivering a speech at the CPAC conference in Budapest, Hungary, Thursday, May 19, 2022. Dozens of prominent conservatives from Europe, the United States and elsewhere have gathered in Hungary for the American Conservative Political Action Conference, being held in Europe for the first time. The two-day event represents a deepening of ties between the American right wing and the autocratic government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. 
(Szilard Koszticsak/MTI via AP)

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban said during a meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Hungary that Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show should be broadcast “24/7.”

The recommendation came as Orban laid out a plan for conservatives to gain and maintain power, according to The Guardian.

The GOP having its own media networks is the best way to fight the agenda of the left, he said. Orban and his supporters wield major influence over Hungarian media outlets, including state TV.

“Of course, the GOP has its associated media, but they do not compete with the dominance of the liberal press. Only friend Tucker Carlson places himself on the line without wavering,” he said, according to CNN.

“His program is the most watched,” Orban added. “What does it mean? It means programs like his should be broadcasted day and night. Or as you say 24/7.”

Carlson made a brief virtual appearance at the CPAC meeting in Budapest, during which he praised Hungary as “a free and decent and beautiful country that cares about its people, their families and the physical landscape.

CPAC will next hold events in Brazil and Israel before heading back to the U.S. for its Texas conference, slated for Aug. 4 to 7.

Orban reportedly invited Trump to Budapest in February, ahead of Hungary’s election in April, in which he won his fourth consecutive term as prime minister.

Carlson released a special earlier this year about Orban’s fight against political mega-donor and philanthropist George Soros, titled “Hungary vs. Soros: Fight for Civilization.”

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