Tuesday, May 03, 2022

India Condemns Connecticut Assembly’s Call To Celebrate ‘Sikh Independence Day’

One of the person is seen holding an anti-India banner at the event where Connecticut Assembly made the citation to recognise Sikh Independence Day
(Image: YouTube/TV84)

The citation made by the Connecticut Assembly recognizes April 29 as Sikh Independence Day


The consulate general of India in a press release condemned the declaration of ‘Sikh Independence Day’ by the Connecticut general assembly in the United States. The consulate general said that the declaration was an attempt by mischievous elements to use Connecticut assembly’s name for ‘nefarious purposes’.

“We condemn the so-called Citation of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut in the USA regarding an illegal act. This is an attempt by some mischievous elements to use the name of the Assembly for their nefarious purposes. These vested interests seek to divide communities and promote bigotry and hatred,” the consulate general said in the release.

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“Their agenda of violence has no place in democratic societies like the USA and India. The Embassy of India in Washington DC and the Consulate General of India in New York will take up this issue appropriately with the concerned US lawmakers,” it further added.

A video was also shared on YouTube on April 29 where a Connecticut assembly official was seen reading a declaration. On the dais, along with the official, several Sikhs were also seen with most holding anti-India banners and pro-Khalistan placards. The official could be heard making the statement where it declared the date as Sikh Independence Day.

“The Connecticut General Assembly offers its sincerest congratulations to the World Sikh Parliament in recognition of the 36th anniversary of the declaration of Sikh Independence. We join with you, your friends, and your family in commemorating the historic resolution passed on April 29th, 1986 by the collective Sikh Nation gathering known as ‘Sarbat Khalsa,’ Sikhs Political Centre, situated in the holy city of Amritsar in Punjab,” the official could be heard as saying.

Leaders across party lines in India also condemned the Connecticut general assembly declaration.

BJP spokesperson RP Singh on Sunday asked president of US, Joe Biden, to intervene. “Connecticut State, in the US, has “recognised” April 29th as the anniversary of the declaration of Sikh independence. It is highly condemnable & not at all acceptable. Joe Biden govt should intervene, as it is open support for an independent State, ‘Khalistan’ within India,” Singh tweeted. He also shared the image of the citation. BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa said that Connecticut Assembly is oblivious of the real issue.

“Mischievous attempt by the State of Connecticut proves how oblivious it’s of the real issue. The State has waded into unknown & unwanted territory! The timing of this mindless act couldn’t have been worse,” Sirsa tweeted.

“If US State Connecticut recognises Sikh Independence Day then Indian State Rajasthan should recognise Texas as part of Mexico. Explain to them in the language they understand,” Congress Rajya Sabha MP said in a tweet.

Aam Aadmi Party AAP) chief spokesperson in Punjab Malwinder Kang said that separatists like Sikhs For Justice group chief Gurpatwant Singh Pannu have no support in Punjab and demanded strict action.

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