Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Trump Allies Warn of 'Demonic Territory,' 'Satanic Portal' Over Biden WH


Prominent allies of former President Donald Trump warned of a "demonic territory" over the country and a "Satanic portal" over the White House as they spoke at a weekend conference.

The ReAwaken America Tour held what it described as a "sold out" event in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on Friday and Saturday. Speakers at the far-right event included Pastor Mark Burns, right-wing strategist Roger Stone, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, the former president's son Eric Trump and retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Burns, a staunch Trump supporter and GOP House candidate for South Carolina's 4th district, took aim at the LGBTQ community, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and leading Democrats in Congress as he spoke on Saturday. Notably, despite his unwavering support of the former president, Trump recently endorsed his incumbent opponent, Representative William Timmons, in South Carolina's GOP primary.

"The Bible say that 'we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against rulers in high places.' Satan is bigger than Lindsey Graham," Burns said, drawing audible agreement from the audience. Graham represents South Carolina.

"You wanna get rid of Lindsey Graham?" the pastor asked. "Then get rid of the demonic territory that's over the land. Y'all not talking back to me. I can't get no help in here," he added, drawing applause and some cheers from the large crowd.

Graham was widely viewed as a Trump ally during the former president's tenure in the White House. However, the GOP senator has received some backlash from Trump since he left office.

"I mean, Lindsey's a nice guy, but he's a RINO," Trump told Newsmax in February. RINO is an acronym signifying "Republican in name only."

Speaking on Friday night, Stone, who received a pardon from Trump in December 2020, talked about Satan as well.

"There is a Satanic portal above the White House, you can see it day and night," the Trump ally claimed. "It exists. It is real. And it must be closed. And it will be closed by prayer," he added, drawing claps and cheers. Stone went on to claim that this "portal" first appeared after President Joe Biden "became president, and it will be closed before he leaves."

Flynn described the U.S. as having a "biblical destiny" at the event. The retired general referenced the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible, explaining that the author talked about a "city on a hill." He then referenced former President Ronald Reagan, saying "he said it's a shining city on a hill." Flynn contended that the U.S. was built on "a set of Judeo-Christian principles."

Burns, who Flynn previously endorsed, also proudly declared in his remarks that he calls LGBTQ people "queer" and asserted that gay marriage is "illegal," citing the Bible. He also said that he would go to Congress and "declare the word of God right to Nancy Pelosi's face, right to AOC's face." AOC is an acronym for the name of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive New York Democrat.

Pastor Mark Burns and right-wing strategist Roger Stone spoke about Satan at the ReAwaken America Tour event in South Carolina this week. Above, Burns and Stone participate in a rally supporting former President Donald Trump on January 5, 2021 in Washington, DC.SAMUEL CORUM/GETTY IMAGES

ReAwaken America has held regular events across the country in recent months. Since mid-April, the tour featuring Trump allies, right-wing commentators and GOP candidates has visited Oklahoma, Florida, California, Michigan, Colorado, Texas, Arizona, Ohio and Oregon. It also has upcoming events scheduled in Virginia and New York. The events combine conservative Christian religious ideals with generally pro-Trump and anti-Biden rhetoric, rallying attendees to fight back against Democrat control in the nation's Capitol.

Burns regularly combines religious themes with his political remarks. At a February ReAwaken America event in Ohio, he said that God would "raise up armies" to help conservatives "shut down" Democratic-led America.

"Are you ready to fight with me? Shout yeah!" the pastor yelled during his remarks. "Are you ready to stand with me? Shout yeah!"

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