Saturday, May 21, 2022

New Jersey street renamed Palestine Way in honour of local Arab community

The city of Paterson, New Jersey has renamed part of a main street Palestinian Way, honouring a place that is close to the hearts of many residents, around 15,000 of whom have Palestinian heritage.

A city in New Jersey has renamed a section of its main street Palestine Way. [Getty]

Brooke Anderson
Washington, D.C.
21 May, 2022

A street in the city of Paterson, New Jersey, with a vibrant communities of Arabs and Muslims, has renamed part of a street Palestine Way, paying tribute to a place that holds a special place in the hearts of residents, around 2,000 of whom came out to celebrate the new street name on Sunday.

“Palestine Way is long overdue,” councilman Alaa “Al” Abdelaziz was quoted in the Patterson Times as saying. He added, “We are the hub and the capital in America for Palestinians.”

Abdelaziz, who is of Palestinian heritage, sponsored the street naming initiative, which passed unanimously in April. The city’s Palestinian community, which currently numbers about 15,000, dates back nearly 100 years, with the first arriving in the early 1930s and the first Middle Eastern restaurant opening on Main Street in the 1980s, which now hosts a variety of restaurants, and will now be called Palestine Way.

A street festival was held for the renaming ceremony, with vendors setting up booths with food, t-shirts and flags for the occasion.

The renaming of the street came on Nakba Day, 15 May, the annual commemoration of the establishment of the state of Israel, when around 700,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homes following the outbreak of the 1948 war.

“We make history today. Today, everyone, everywhere is Palestinian,” said mayor Paterson Andre Sayegh, according to the Patterson Times.

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