Thursday, May 12, 2022

Threat of violent extremism rising in Canada, MPs told

Elizabeth Thompson -

The threat of violent extremism has increased in Canada during the pandemic — fuelled by misinformation and resulting in threats to politicians and public servants — top security and policing officials told members of Parliament on Thursday.

But while police and intelligence agencies are taking steps to detect extremists and prevent them from carrying out attacks, the government must also work proactively to counter the extremism in the first place, they added.

Testifying before the public safety and national security committee, Cherie Henderson, assistant director, requirements for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) described the rise of ideologically motivated violent extremism (IMVE) over the past two years.

"Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, IMVE activity has been fuelled by an increase in extreme anti-authority and anti-government rhetoric, often rooted in the weaponization of conspiracy theories," Henderson told the committee.

"CSIS has noted a marked increase in violent threats addressed at elected officials and public servants."

Henderson said CSIS has moved more resources to monitor IMVE.

The hearing came only a couple of days after an ugly altercation in Peterborough, Ont., where protesters shouted profanities at NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh after a provincial election campaign event.

That incident appeared to weigh on the minds of some committee members Thursday as they wrapped up their hearings on IMVE.

"This has been a very sombre time for the NDP caucus," said New Democrat MP Alistair MacGregor.

"Our leader Jagmeet Singh had to wade through a group of people who were calling him a traitor. They were hurling expletives at him, saying they hoped that he would die," he said.

"This is the exact same kind of behaviour that we saw littered throughout the occupation of Ottawa and it's time for us to wake up to the fact that this kind of behaviour has real, physical manifestations and real threats."

Liberal MP Pam Damoff said she and other MPs have received threats but that they don't necessarily lead to criminal charges.

© Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press
Former security adviser Richard Fadden told MPs the key to countering ideologically motivated violent extremism is dialogue.

"It feels like it's a matter of time before this rhetoric and this kind of aggressive anger turn into something more violent," she said.

RCMP Deputy Commander Michael Duheme said the Mounties have also seen a rise in IMVE incidents, most by people "who are not clearly affiliated with a group and who are motivated by very individualized ideologies."

Duheme said the RCMP has identified gaps in how it has dealt with IMVE and has developed a strategy to address them over the next three years and to work with local police forces and other groups.

By "improving information sharing and building up our own intelligence capacities," specifically online, the RCMP will "be in a better position to identify individuals and groups who pose a threat before they are motivated to violence," he said.

Leslie Soper, director general of national security policy for the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, described IMVE as "a serious threat" to Canada.

While some people on the right of the political spectrum are drawn to IMVE, such extremists come from a wide range of political perspectives, she said.

"It may be aligned to what we might traditionally call right-wing extremism. It may be motivated by other factors; anti-mandate. It could be motivated by other societal factors," Soper said.

Earlier, Conservative MP Dane Lloyd challenged Soper and CSIS officials to tell him what they were doing to investigate 30 churches that were set on fire in 2021. Both responded that those were police matters.

Richard Fadden, a former national security adviser and director of CSIS, said IMVE has been around for a while but it is now more intense, organized and co-ordinated.

Fadden said if Canada wants to counter IMVE, it must get to the roots of the dissatisfaction felt by those attracted to it, and their feeling that their views aren't being heard.

Fadden called for more dialogue with those being attracted to IMVE, saying countering it needs to go beyond the federal government to provinces, municipalities and schools.

However, he also acknowledged it can be difficult these days to talk openly about some things.

"I really do think that political correctness has reached the point today where it's almost impossible to have a conversation about a whole raft of issues and if you're frustrated with government and with society to begin with, this is not helpful," he said.

RCMP ‘following up’ after Jagmeet Singh harassed by protesters in Peterborough

Alex Boutilier - Yesterday 
Global News

The RCMP say they’re “following up” on an incident in Peterborough, Ont., Tuesday, in which NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh was harassed by protesters who called him a “traitor” and followed him to his car.

Deputy Commissioner Michael Duheme called the incident “unacceptable” and said the national police force has been in contact with party leaders and cabinet ministers about security threats.

Read more:
Protesters harass federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh during visit to Peterborough

“It’s unacceptable, it’s not the first time (it has happened) … We’re following up on it to determine what can be done,” Duheme told the House of Commons’ public safety committee Thursday.

“When we do have a file with regards to potential threats, be it online or via phone or directly, we do engage with (federal prosecutors) to discuss the file and see if we’ve met the threshold (for criminal charges). It is a challenge, I can say from the RCMP perspective.”

Singh was in Peterborough Tuesday to stump for Jen Deck, the Ontario NDP candidate for Peterborough-Kawartha. Protesters gathered outside the event, calling Singh a “traitor” and “liar” as he left, hounding him to his waiting vehicle. Singh was able to get into the truck, which sped off.

Speaking to reporters in Ottawa Thursday, Singh said the experience was one of the most “intense, threatening (and) insulting” experiences he’s had as a public figure.

“I’ve experienced worse in my life and experienced it regularly. So it’s not something for me; it doesn’t faze me or shake me in any way. But I am worried about what that means for politics, generally,” Singh said.

Read more:
Canada’s security agencies drawing on lessons from ‘extraordinary’ convoy blockade

Duheme told MPs the RCMP have been meeting with cabinet ministers every month to discuss threats, which have risen over the course of the global pandemic, as well as with the party leaders.

While the threats against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet have been increasing in recent years, they have not been limited to the Liberals — or to federal politicians.

“When we do have a file with regards to potential threats, be it online or via phone or directly, we do engage with (federal prosecutors) to discuss the file and see if we’ve met the threshold,” said Duheme, who is responsible for federal policing and the Mounties’ national security investigations.

Duheme said that when politicians receive credible threats, the RCMP collaborates with local police through the force’s regional integrated national security teams.

Threats against politicians have seen an uptick in recent years, with some high-profile incidents — like when a former Canadian Armed Forces reservist drove his truck through a barrier near Trudeau’s official residence, armed with multiple firearms — breaking through to make headlines.

Read more:
Manitoba man who rammed gate at Rideau Hall sentenced to 6 years in prison

Singh has faced multiple incidents of harassment, including an attempted “citizen’s arrest” just steps from Parliament Hill in 2020.

“This is the exact same kind of behaviour that we saw littered throughout the occupation of Ottawa,” said NDP MP Alistair McGregor on Thursday.

“And it’s time for us to wake up to the fact this kind of behaviour has real physical manifestations and real threats.”

Duheme told the committee that the RCMP has developed a “comprehensive” three-year plan to revamp how the national police force deals with “ideologically-motivated violent extremism” (IMVE) — the Canadian intelligence community’s catch-all term for a wide array of grievance-based violence, including far-right extremism and anti-government sentiment.

“We know that the IMVE threat environment is rapidly evolving and complex, and is increasingly fuelled by misinformation and hostile rhetoric surrounding a host of grievances, many of which focus on the government’s response to COVID-19 and other matters,” Duheme said.

“This has sown distrust in government institutions, including law enforcement, and has augmented the ability for extremist groups to both recruit new members and increasingly foster hostility.”

Duheme said the Mounties are trying “get (their) own house in order” on investigating ideological extremism.

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