Thursday, June 09, 2022

EU in Kosovo joins Pride Parade


The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, and the EU in Kosovo team, joined today in Pristina domestic institutions, human rights activists, and diplomatic corps, in a Pride Parade organised by several civil society organisations.

Pride Parade

This year’s slogan of the Pride Week in Kosovo is: We are in the state, we are in the family, and it calls for the respect, acceptance, and inclusion of LGBTIQ persons in both public and private life.

“This is the sixth Pride organised in Kosovo. That sends a very positive message to the members of the LGBTIQ community in Kosovo and beyond. I am proud to be joining the parade alongside LGBTIQ community members, human rights activists, Kosovo institutions, and diplomatic corps,” said Szunyog.


Parade with EU HoMs

"While the annual and uninterrupted holding of Pride Paredes in Kosovo clearly marks the commitment to the protection of human rights and diversity, we must not forget that members of the LGBTIQ community still face discrimination, both in Kosovo and the EU, and that all of us need to work together towards ensuring that LGBTI persons are treated equally.”

Ambassador Szunyog commended human rights activists and the Kosovo Office of Good Governance for all the good work done so far in promoting the rights of the LGBTIQ community and noted that the burden of this work cannot be carried by a select few, but needs to be done also by the opinion and decision-makers on all levels of government.

“I would like to emphasize that the discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited by the EU legislation and Kosovo laws, and this provides a sufficient space for us to help root it out,” said Szunyog.

Pride Parade Pristina

The Pride Parade is part of the Pride Week activities. Contributing to the week’s programme, the Ambassador Szunyog will host today a reception for key NGOs and international actors contributing to the promotion and protection of rights of the LGBTIQ community in Kosovo.

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