Thursday, June 02, 2022

North Sea oil protestors throw red paint on UK Government building after Jackdaw approval

One protestor brought a sign depicting Boris Johnson with his arms wrapped around a lump of coal, reading: “It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your coal.”

By Sean McGill
Ruaraidh Britton
Trainee Reporter
 2 JUN 2022
Protestors threw paint on the building and wrote "Blood on your hands" in the paint (Image: Edinburgh Live)

Angry climate activists have thrown red paint on the UK Government building in Edinburgh after regulators approved the development of the Jackdaw gas field in the North Sea.

It was announced on Wednesday that Jackdaw field, off the coast of Aberdeen, will be capable of producing 6.5 percent of the UK’s gas output, reports EdinburghLive.

But the protestors opposed the move, believing it will put the future of the planet at risk, writing into the paint on the walls the words "Blood on your hands."

Upon hearing of the field’s approval, the capital-based activists sprang into action to organise the protest, and a large yellow banner was unfurled by the angry crowd, which read: “Clean gas is a dirty lie.”

Lucy Walczuk, one of the senior figures at Fridays for Future Edinburgh, felt that a sense of urgency was important in order to make a statement.

“We were expecting the announcement soon, so we’ve been preparing ahead of time,” they said.

“We want to effectively express that anger and annoyance at the failure of the UK Government. We got the details for the protest together in two or three hours and then invited as many people as possible.

“We organised this 18 hours ago and we got this many people to come through. I think it really shows how strongly people feel about this and how wrong a decision it is.”

The crowd gathered at 1pm outside Queen Elizabeth House, armed with signs and banners decorated with colourful messages.

One depicted Boris Johnson with his arms wrapped around a lump of coal, reading: “It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your coal.”

Several protestors brought signs and held them up outside the UK Government building (Image: Edinburgh Live)

While dominated by younger faces, there was a noticeable older contingent parked outside the Government building.

Penny Gower, a 72-year-old who works at Edinburgh College, expressed her worries about the future of young grandchildren.

“I look at my three little granddaughters, two babies and a seven-year-old, and I think what kind of life are they going to have? Climate crisis and chaos is likely to happen within the next ten years. Politicians are ignoring it.”

Multiple speeches took place at the event, with disgruntled speakers explaining their concerns over the now-approved gas field.

There was even a musical performance from 46-year old Majk Stokes, who sang that the government need to “smell the coffee” when it comes to the climate.

One climate activist held up a sign protesting the North Sea gas field (Image: Edinburgh Live)

Some protestors also jumped into a performance of the Macarena in between messages from the key speakers.

Demonstrators also hurled red paint at the building as emotions over the decision to develop the gas field ran high.

Those who back the development have cited Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a key reason behind the need for further gas supplies.

Bryce Goodall, one of the protestors who addressed the crowd, said the group stand in solidarity with Ukraine, but still ask more from the UK Government.

“It’s a global issue. If we can stop all oil fields in the UK and move away from fossil fuels, we wouldn’t need to be dependant on any country, including Russia. We can make that transition with our reserves right now.

“What we need is political willingness. Unfortunately, the Tory government is showing abject and inept leadership on this.”

Announcing the decision on Wednesday, Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the Government was “turbocharging” renewables.

He added: “Let’s source more of the gas we need from British waters to protect energy security."

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