Thursday, June 30, 2022

Trump's Secret Service Detail 'Cheered on the Insurrection'—Carol Leonnig

Gerrard Kaonga - Yesterday 

© Getty
Donald Trump speaks to supporters from The Ellipse near the White House on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. - Thousands of Trump supporters, fueled by his spurious claims of voter fraud, are flooding the nation's capital protesting the expected certification of Joe Biden's White House victory by the US Congress.

Investigative journalist and author Carol Leonnig has claimed that members of Donald Trump's Secret Service detail cheered on the insurrection of January 6, 2021.

Leonnig spoke to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow following testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson in the Tuesday Jan. 6 Committee hearing. The video of their conversation has also been viewed over 100,000 times on Twitter.

Hutchinson made multiple claims regarding the former President's actions and insisted that he demanded to go to the Capitol after the riots began, getting into an altercation with his security detail.

Leonnig, who has written a book on the Secret Service, Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of The Secret Service, said it was "problematic" some of Trump's detail appeared to support the rioters on January 6.

"There was a very large contingent of Donald Trump's detail who were personally cheering for [Joe] Biden to fail," she said.

"Some of them even took to their personal media accounts to cheer on the insurrection and the individuals rioting up to the Capitol, as patriots. That is problematic.

"I am not saying that Tony Ornato or Bobby Engel did that but they are viewed as being aligned with Donald Trump, which cuts against them.

"However, if they testify, under oath, 'this is what happened,' I think that is going to be important."

Leonnig also reflected on the reputation of the lead agent on Trump's detail, Engel, and former deputy Chief of Staff Ornato and their relationship with the then-president. She also spoke about the credibility of Hutchinson.

"Cassidy Hutchinson presents as one of the most credible witnesses possible in this way," Leonnig said.

"She had detailed descriptions of what she heard, what people told her and what she heard herself, what she knew for surety and she was very clear about making distinguishing remarks about how she learned these things.

"The way she learned these particular things about an alleged altercation was allegedly from Tony Ornato, that is important to know.

"The second part I would stress is both of these individuals, Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato were very close to President Trump.

"Some people accused them of, at times, being yes-men and enablers of the President, particularly Tony Ornato.

"People who wanted to do what [Trump] wanted and see him pleased.

"That was frustrating to agents that were more focussed on security or being independent or good planning.

"So both of these individuals lose a little bit of credibility because of how closely they have been seen as aligned to Donald Trump.

Newsweek has contacted Trump's office for comment.

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