Sunday, July 10, 2022

Activists in Stockholm march in solidarity with Kurds

Sunday, 10 Jul 2022,

Stockholm once again showed its solidarity with the Kurdish people. A crowded demonstration on Saturday walked the streets of the city centre chanting slogans in support of the Kurds and against the NATO agreement with Turkey to allow Sweden and Finland to enter the alliance, sacrificing the Kurds.

32 Turkish soldiers killed in guerrilla resistance in South Kurdistan

At least 32 members of the occupying Turkish army have been killed in the latest actions by HPG and YJA Star in South Kurdistan.

Friday, 8 Jul 2022,

In its daily statement providing information about the ongoing war in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq), the press office of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) said: "The freedom guerrillas of Kurdistan, fighting selflessly in the spirit of resistance of 14 July, continue to deal heavy blows to the Turkish occupation army. As a result of the effective actions of our mobile guerrilla units, 32 invaders have been punished and two others have been injured. In addition, two helicopters and one drone have been damaged. The war criminal army of Turkey bombed our resistance areas 34 times with chemical agents and explosives, six times with fighter jets and dozens of times with attack helicopters and howitzers."

The HPG statement gave details of the latest actions by HPG and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) in the Medya Defense Zones. Accordingly, snipers from YJA Star successfully prevented the occupation forces from approaching the Şehîd Umîd war positions in Zap region several times yesterday by using snipers. Two soldiers were killed and two injured in each case. In Kokerê, Turkish soldiers were struck with hand grenades while trying to enter the tunnel complex there and pushed back. In the resistance area of Çemço, a Turkish drone was targeted by guerrillas. Earlier today, the guerrillas hit occupation forces in Karker. Two soldiers were killed and another two seriously wounded in the "coordinated offensive attack."

In Metîna, HPG and YJA Star units carried out several guerrilla sabotages on 5 and 6 July. The actions were directed against occupation troops in the Sêdarê area in the Girê Amediyê resistance area. "The death of twelve soldiers has been safely established," the statement said. On 7 July, YJA Star guerrillas carried out two deadly sniper actions around the hill. Further sabotage actions were carried out at Girê Şehîd Pîrdoxan, among other places, and here the number of military personnel killed amounted to thirteen.

HPG pointed out that the Turkish army bombarded the combat area with planes, helicopters and howitzers and mortars following the actions. "The soldiers' bodies, which were torn apart as a result of the shelling, were not evacuated by the occupying forces, but lay in the combat area until the end."

In the Girê Cûdî resistance area, a soldier was killed by a guerrilla sniper on Thursday. At about the same time, two Sikorsky helicopters flew to Girê FM and Gîrê Amediyê to drop off airborne troops. The guerrillas intervened with artillery fire and heavy weapons. Both helicopters were hit and forced to move back.

Bayık: MIT is carrying out a massacre in cooperation with the KDP - PART ONE

KCK Executive Council co-chair, Cemil Bayık, said that the Turkish state gave MIT a great task and opportunity to eliminate the Kurds, and added: "MIT is carrying out a massacre with the information given by the KDP."

Sunday, 10 Jul 2022, 07:49

KCK Executive Council co-chair, Cemil Bayık, made important assessments on the current situation.

Stating that the isolation against Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan is getting worse with each passing day, Bayık emphasized that the AKP-MHP put pressure on Öcalan to maintain its rule and perpetuate its fascist system. Referring to the effect of the Gemlik march held in the past days to end the isolation, Bayık said that the Turkish state wanted to prevent the march but failed. Underlining that the march gave courage to people who marched despite all the pressures, Bayık said that this march also destroyed the curtain of fear created by the AKP-MHP government.

Bayık commemorated martyr Zîlan who carried out a self-sacrifice action on June 30, 1996. "Heval Zîlan – he said - understood the line developed by Rêber Apo very well. Heval Zîlan understood very well the attacks carried out by the genocidal Turkish state against the movement, Rêber Apo and the Kurdish people. She focused on how she would stand against the people and how she would send a message to the militants of the movement, and she put this into practice. Therefore, the practice developed by Martyr Zîlan became a benchmark for this movement and these people. The militants of this movement are based on this line of sacrifice. In Avaşîn and in Metîna, they are applying the line of heval Zîlan at the highest level."

Reminding that the Turkish state attacks Bakur, Bashur and Rojava every day, Bayık said that the KDP also played a role in the murder of martyr Ferhat Şibî and his friends. Noting that the MIT would not be able to carry out such massacres if the KDP did not provide intelligence, Bayık said: "The KDP and its intelligence collect information and pass it on to the MIT in and outside the Parastin Medya Defense Areas. They identify our friends, especially those in charge, places, houses, vehicles, and all of this information. MIT then carries out attacks and massacres acting upon this information. If the KDP and Parastin were not cooperating with the Turkish state, Turkey could not take a step in any area of ​​Bashur, let alone Kelar."

t of the interview given by KCK Executive Council co-chair Cemil Bayık to ANF is as follows:

The aggravated isolation imposed on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan continues. There is no news from him, and he is constantly being punished. What is the AKP-MHP aiming to achieve with this isolation? Reactions to the isolation also continue. One of these reactions was the Gemlik march. How do you evaluate this march, the attitude of the people and the actions against isolation?

The Gemlik march was held to protest the isolation imposed on Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan]. The Turkish state wanted to prevent this march, but failed. That's why the Gemlik march had a great impact. For this reason, I salute and pay my respects to everyone who took part in this march. The curtain of fear created by the AKP-MHP government in society was destroyed by this march. The Gemlik march gave courage to everyone. After the march, there were both positive discussions and discussions serving psychological warfare. But this shows the power and influence of Rêber Apo. If Rêber Apo had not been so influential, such discussions would not have taken place.

There is a reason why the isolation imposed on Rêber Apo is getting worse day by day. The AKP-MHP alliance is putting pressure on Rêber Apo to maintain his power and perpetuate his fascist system. But our leader does not accept this and is resisting. They want to break the will of Rêber Apo. That's why they're deepening the isolation even more. Rêber Apo has a truth. He was taken prisoner because he was fighting for freedom for the Kurdish people, for the peoples of the Middle East. Both when Rêber Apo was abroad and after he was taken prisoner, he focused on the democratization of Turkey and the solution of the Kurdish problem on this basis. Rêber Apo protected, defended and expanded the values ​​created by the revolutionaries, socialists and democratic forces in Turkey.

Rêber Apo fought for democracy and freedom

If the values ​​of democracy have been kept alive in Turkey, is thanks to the role of Rêber Apo. He wants to develop a democratic system in Turkey in which to solve the problems of all peoples, people of different faiths. That's why he struggles. The AKP-MHP is against democracy and is using all means to perpetuate its fascist system. The biggest obstacle in front of them is Rêber Apo. That's why psychological warfare is being waged in Imrali. The AKP-MHP wants to impose fascism and eliminate everyone who does not serve it. Rêber Apo stands against this and is fighting for democracy and freedom. A war is being waged on this basis in Imrali. The war waged by the AKP-MHP government against the Kurds, the peoples of Turkey, the socialists, the forces of democracy and freedom is developing in Imrali.

Our people have understood this very well, and the socialists and intellectuals in Turkey also better understand this. Again, the peoples of Turkey began to understand this, albeit slowly. That's why everyone should stand up against isolation. Anyone who says they are against the AKP-MHP, those who want to establish a democratic republic system in Turkey and solve problems through democratic means should stand up against isolation. The measure of democracy and freedom today is to oppose isolation. This is for Rêber Apo's voice to reach everyone. He who does not stand against isolation cannot call himself a democrat, a socialist, an anti-fascist, nor someone that will develop democracy in Turkey.

This year marked the 26th anniversary of Martyr Zîlan's self-sacrifice action on June 30, 1996. How is the line of sacrifice developed under the leadership of Martyr Zîlan kept alive in the Freedom Movement? How should sacrifice be understood?

Rêber Apo created a self-sacrificing movement in Kurdistan. Because nothing other than sacrifice can be an answer to what has been done in Kurdistan. Nothing can bring the Kurdish people back from the dead and resurrect them. That's why the struggle has been developed through sacrifice from the very beginning of the movement to the present. The militants of this movement and the Kurdish people are fighting selflessly every day. Heval Zîlan understood the line developed by Rêber Apo very well. That's why Rêber Apo put a lot of emphasis on heval Zîlan. Because heval Zîlan understood the line very well and, accordingly, she carried out a sacrifice action. She understood very well the genocidal Turkish state's attacks against the movement, Rêber Apo and the Kurdish people. She focused on how she would stand against this, what message she would send to the people and the militants of the movement, and she put this into practice. Therefore, the practice developed by the martyr Zîlan became a benchmark for this movement and the people. In Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna, they implement the self-sacrificing line of heval Zîlan at the highest level.

If we want to understand the line of these activists, we need to know Rêber Apo's line well. If the line is well understood, the struggle develops on the basis of sacrifice. The line of sacrifice created by Rêber Apo is sometimes misunderstood. The perception that the comrades will go and take action based on sacrifice and die is not correct. Rêber Apo stood against the philosophy developed by the invading Turkish state in Kurdistan. The philosophy developed by the enemy is the philosophy of death. Because of what was done to our people, people were saying, 'Even if God takes our lives, we can be saved'. So they saw the solution in death. Because the invading Turkish state had developed the philosophy of death in our society. Rêber Apo developed his philosophy of life against this. With this philosophy, they stood against occupation and genocide. This philosophy took the Kurdish people away from their deathbed.

There is no greater sacrifice-maker than Rêber Apo. Because he devoted his whole life to the freedom of peoples. He lives for democracy and freedom. He does not live for anything else than that. He has said no to a life without freedom and democracy for himself and his people. On this basis, he developed a historical struggle. Since Heval Zîlan understood that line well, she carried out a self-sacrificing action. Because of this, Zîlan is still alive today. It is this line of resistance that keeps the movement, the militants and the people alive.

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