Friday, July 22, 2022

Call on Your MP to Protect Our Oceans and Stop Deep Sea Mining Before It Starts

1 June 2022, 

Mining could soon begin in one of the most fragile ecosystems on the planet: the deep seabed. And while Canadian companies are at the forefront of efforts to expand this destructive industry into our oceans, the Canadian government has largely remained silent. Canada is failing to join a global movement calling for a moratorium and has no official position on deep seabed mining in either domestic or international waters. That needs to change.

The ocean is already being threatened by pollution, overfishing, climate change, and biodiversity loss. Frontline communities, scientists, and organizations are all warning that deep seabed mining could cause catastrophic biodiversity loss that could never recover on a human timescale. We know that our oceans depend on healthy ecosystems to store carbon, provide habitats, and recycle nutrients. While much work needs to be done to restore the health of our oceans, deep sea mining is a new and tangible threat that we can stop before it starts — but we have to act quickly.

It’s time for Canada to protect our oceans. Call on your Member of Parliament to oppose deep seabed mining and to support policies that will protect the seabed along Canada’s coasts and in the international waters that belong to all of us.


Ban octopus farming in Canada!

— Several countries have plans to begin commercial octopus farming within the next year. Farming carnivorous animals like octopuses places even more strain on the oceans because it means taking another species out of the ocean to feed them. There is no reliably humane way to slaughter octopuses on a commercial scale. Petition starter Karina is asking the government to ban commercial octopus farms in Canada, as well as the import of farmed octopus, so octopuses aren’t raised to simply die a painful death. If you agree with Karina, sign the petition now.

Ban octopus farming in Canada!

72 have signed Karina H’s petition. Let’s get to 100!

Octopuses are some of the most intelligent animals. They play, they’re curious, and they’re solitary creatures that need lots of stimulation. While they are subjected to cruel practices all across the world, the biggest threat they face is factory farming.

Factory farming octopuses is something that’s just getting started. The first one plans to sell farmed octopus in 2023, and hopes to farm 275,000 of them each year. It claims that it will help wild octopus populations by getting people to eat their farmed octopuses instead.

Octopuses can’t thrive in a farmed setting, and humane methods of slaughter on such a huge scale would be very difficult. Not only that, but this farm and future farms could pollute the environment, spread diseases to the local wild octopus populations, and contribute to overfishing. Not only that, but it could cause demand for octopus meat to skyrocket as people develop a taste for it.

If we really want to help octopuses, we have to eat less of them and impose stronger regulations on the fishing of wild octopus.


This petition calls for Canada to ban farmed octopus and the importation of farmed octopus. Canada already has some laws protecting octopuses, so banning farmed octopus is not a huge demand.


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