Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dems stress national security as computer chips bill stalls

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration and congressional Democrats are warning of dire ramifications for the economy and for national security if Congress fails to pass a bill by the end of July that is designed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the United States.

© Provided by The Canadian PressDems stress national security as computer chips bill stalls

Their appeals have grown increasingly urgent as Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell threaten to block the computer chips legislation, creating a standoff that threatens to derail one of the biggest bipartisan initiatives in Congress. Republicans have tied their cooperation to Democrats not moving forward with a separate package of energy and economic initiatives that GOP lawmakers warn would increase taxes on small businesses and hurt the economy. It's a demand that Democrats dismiss out of hand.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said computer chipmakers are being offered lucrative incentives from other countries such as South Korea, Japan, France, Germany and Singapore to locate plants there. She cited Monday's announcement by STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries to build a semiconductor factory in France as an example of other countries moving faster than the U.S. on the issue.

“Bottom line is there are very real, very devastating consequences if Congress doesn't do its job in the month of July," Raimondo told The Associated Press.

Those consequences mean not only lost job opportunities for the U.S., but an overdependency on other nations for semiconductors that could become a critical vulnerability because they are so important for products ranging from cars and cellphones to modern weapons systems.

Raimondo was to be part of a closed-door briefing with senators Wednesday to discuss the national security implications of the semiconductor legislation. Set to join her were Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines.

McConnell did not respond to questions from reporters after attending the briefing. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said it underscored that Congress needs to act soon.

“The legislation we're trying to pass is a major national security issue. It is a major economic issue, and it is one where you cannot afford to delay," Wyden said.

Raimondo and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, in a letter to congressional leaders, said semiconductor companies need to get “concrete in the ground” by this fall to meet increased demand. The Cabinet members said it was their assessment that further delays in passing the legislation will “result in a deficit of semiconductor investment from which we may not be able to recover.”

Both chambers of Congress have passed bills that include about $52 billion in financial support for the U.S. semiconductor industry, but they are struggling to merge the legislation into a final compromise that could gain 60 votes in the Senate, the number needed to overcome procedural hurdles.

McConnell, R-Ky., on Tuesday suggested the House could work from the Senate-passed version, which would allow it to move to President Joe Biden's desk to be signed into law. Or the two chambers could just take up a much narrower bill focused on semiconductor incentives, leaving out provisions on trade and new research priorities.

Both options face major hurdles. Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer, the House majority leader, said McConnell's call for the House to go with the Senate bill was “an arrogant, unreasonable demand." Meanwhile, senators from both parties are wary of settling for the $52 billion in financial incentives after working for years on other priorities in the bill.

“It's just that there's too many other things that we worked so hard on. Why would we cut that down?" said Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. “If it's about being truly competitive, why would we say we just want to be a little competitive."

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said he could support legislation just focused on the financial incentives, “but it's got problems with other members of the conference" who are insisting on additional provisions.

Democrats have blown past their goal of reaching agreement on principles of the final bill by the end of June so that staff could prepare text and the two chambers could vote in July. Raimondo said she had been speaking with several Republicans on narrowing differences between the House and Senate before McConnell tweeted about the bill, known by the acronym USICA, for United States Innovation and Competition Act: “Let me be perfectly clear: there will be no bipartisan USICA as long as Democrats are pursuing a partisan reconciliation bill."

“Obviously, Senator McConnell's tweet a couple of Friday's ago has slowed down work," Raimondo said.

Still, she said she considers the bill at the “5-yard line" and that negotiators could finish within a week to 10 days if both parties cooperated. She said if lawmakers cannot get the bill completed, “it's not Republicans who win. China wins if this doesn't get passed."

Raimondo is trying to appeal to lawmakers' concerns about how the U.S. depends upon foreign countries, namely Taiwan, for the production of advanced computer chips.

“Look, I mean, I know a lot of these Republicans. They're patriots. They want to do the right thing for America. They're scared that we're so dependent on Taiwan for exactly the kind of chips our military depends on," Raimondo said.

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., was one of the Republicans who voted for the Senate's version of the semiconductor legislation. Before he makes a decision on a final compromise bill, he wants to see the price tag of the separate energy and economic package that Democrats are pursuing through a process called reconciliation, which would allow them to pass a bill without any Republican support.

Tillis also isn't buying the warning that lawmakers need to pass a semiconductor bill this month or it may not happen at all.

“This isn't the only vehicle that chips could ride on before the end of the year," Tillis said.

Kevin Freking, The Associated Press

Biden administration ups the 

rhetorical stakes as semiconductor 

relief bill stalls

·Senior Producer and Writer

President Joe Biden’s top economic aides have been stressing for months that passing legislation to provide $52 billion to the semiconductor industry is crucial to America’s economic future.

But this week, as the bill has continued to languish and with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently suggesting he'll stand in the way of its passage, Biden’s aides have upped the rhetorical stakes.

They are now more directly arguing that semiconductors are not just an economic issue — but a national security one, as well.

In a new letter Wednesday, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo teamed up with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to argue that alleviating the semiconductor shortage is “imperative for our national security.”

WASHINGTON, DC  November 12, 2021:

US President Joe Biden delivers remarks during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room at the White House on November 12, 2021. Members of the cabinet next to President Biden: Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. 

(Photo by Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
During a Cabinet meeting at the White House in 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo sat next to President Biden as he delivered remarks. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Futurum Research Principal Analyst Daniel Newman also noted during an appearance on Yahoo Finance that nearly 100% of leading semiconductors are made overseas.

“That's an issue for national security; that's an issue for global technology leadership,” he said.

‘Game-changing capabilities our war-fighters need’

Biden officials say that semiconductors play a key role in weapons systems, and if the Department of Defense can keep critical efforts closer to home, that will speed up the deployment of future capabilities.

Domestic chip manufacturing will “enable game-changing capabilities our war-fighters need,” Lloyd and Raimondo wrote.

Defense contractors like Lockheed Martin (LMT) have also raised concerns about the semiconductor shortage, noting that many of their weapons — including the Javelin missile currently being produced for Ukraine — are semiconductor dependent.

The effects of the delay have been keenly felt in the economic sphere. Intel (INTC) recently postponed the groundbreaking on a key Ohio factory due to delays with the bill. CEO Pat Gelsinger has even warned that production might migrate to Europe if the issue isn’t resolved soon.

During a Yahoo Finance appearance in May, Raimondo warned that Intel and other companies could flee within months if the logjam continues. This week’s letter now predicts permanent damage could come within weeks.

Brian Deese, the director of Biden’s National Economic Council, added during a Yahoo Finance live appearance Wednesday that, as part of the response to inflation, the White House is “so focused on trying to urge Congress to act...on things like semiconductors that go into almost every durable, good produced here in the country.”

The Commerce Secretary put an even finer point on it earlier this week during a television interview, saying that “it isn’t right to play politics with national security — that’s what I think is happening.”

‘We're in a conundrum here’

The fate of the years-long semiconductor effort on Capitol Hill is expected to be decided in the coming weeks as Congress rushes to pass a range of bills before the August recess, with the midterms elections looming soon afterwards.

Leader McConnell’s stance — that a bipartisan bill is not happening if Democrats continue to move forward on their unrelated reconciliation effort — has left negotiators only a few options.

One would be for the House of Representative to simply pass the version of the bill that the Senate approved in June 2021. A second would be to pass a stripped-down version of the legislation that only includes the funding for semiconductor makers and not other broader provisions around trade and competition with China.

A third option, which is what Biden officials and many Democrats are still discussing publicly, is to finish negotiations on the bill and then push it forward and see if McConnell's blockade holds.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 12:  U.S. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks as (L-R) Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), Senate Minority Whip Sen. John Thune (R-SD), Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), and Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) listen during a news briefing after a weekly Senate Republican policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol on July 12, 2022 in Washington, DC. Senate GOPs held a weekly policy luncheon to discuss Republican agenda. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speak after a Senate Republican policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol on July 12. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

McConnell didn't retreat during remarks to reporters on Tuesday.

“There are members I have who are not overly fond of [the overall bill] but who think there's a national security aspect to the chips deficit,” the Republican Senate leader said. “We're in a conundrum here at the moment.”

Ben Werschkul is a writer and producer for Yahoo Finance in Washington, DC.

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