Sunday, July 31, 2022

Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds International Community accountable for impunity of Israeli entity

Published: 31 Jul 2022

Ramallah: The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated Sunday in a statement that it holds the Israeli entity's government fully and directly responsible for the brutal mass executions committed against the Palestinian people, warning against considering the Palestinian victims as mere figures - hiding the true magnitude of the tragedy inflicted upon the Palestinian families due to the great losses that they suffer from.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the international community's abdication of responsibility over the violations and crimes perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces and settlers would inevitably condone the Israeli occupation forces or their different organs to further indulge in their crimes, including settlement crimes, killing, demolition of homes, ethnic cleansing and practicing the most brutal racist forms against the Palestinian people.

The statement indicated that the absence or the existence of any potential serious Israeli investigations into the crimes against the Palestinians would only absorb the international reaction in a miserable, comical way, by manipulating the crime scene, as well as concealing evidence and formal arrests of some criminals, until they are released in no time, noting that this has been repeated with all cases of field executions

Israeli army kills Palestinian teenager in West Bank confrontation

Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns the shooting as 'an execution'

Palestinian dies in West Bank clashes with Israelis

An Israeli soldier shot dead a Palestinian boy, 16, near a road leading to a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank on Friday, Palestinian officials said.

The Israeli military said troops had opened fire to protect motorists from rioters.

Witnesses said the incident, east of the hub city of Ramallah, had also involved face-offs in fields between settlers and Palestinians.

They said that at least one of the settlers was armed and that the opposing groups had thrown rocks at each other.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the teenager's killing as “an execution”.

A second Palestinian was shot and wounded in the incident, health officials and witnesses said.

An Israeli soldier draws his weapon at mourners at a checkpoint in the West Bank village of Al Madiya, near Ramallah, in June. They were attending the funeral of Auda Sadaqa, 17, who was shot by Israeli forces. AP

The Israeli army said troops fired to disperse hundreds of Palestinians who had burnt tyres and hurled stones at a road leading to Kochav HaShachar settlement.

“We are aware of reports of a Palestinian that was killed,” the Israeli military said.

Israel's Channel 14 TV station said a settler was also injured and his dog killed.

But the army said it knew of no such incident during the confrontations outside Kochav HaShachar and that the report appeared to be referring to an incident elsewhere.

Most countries regard the settlements as illegal. They stand on land captured by Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, where Palestinians want to build a future state.

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