Sunday, July 24, 2022

Protesters in Sydney demand closure of Rojava airspace to Turkey

Protests continue against the Turkish state’s genocidal attacks that claim more lives in various parts of the Kurdistan territory.

Saturday, 23 Jul 2022,

Kurdish and Australian activists demonstrated in Sydney, Australia in response to the Turkish state’s increasingly ongoing deadly attacks against Rojava (northern Syria) and the latest Turkish massacre that left 9 civilians dead in a picnic area in the countryside of Duhok governorate in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

The demonstration was also attended by representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations.

A statement by the co-chair of the Democratic Kurdish Communities Federation in Australia called on the United Nations and the international community to step into action to stop Turkey’s attacks on the people of Rojava.


The Australian Greens NSW Senate David Shoebridge condemned the Turkish massacre of civilians in Zakho and called for Austria and the U.S. to impose an arms embargo on the Turkish state immediately. He also called on the UN to assume responsibility and take action.

Australian cleric Bill Crews called for popular awareness against the Erdoğan dictatorship and expressed his solidarity with the Kurdish people.

Speaking after, Kurdish writer Mansour Rezaki demanded the closure of Rojava airspace to the Turkish state.

Further remarks by Peter Boyle, Spokesperson of Rojava Solidarity Sydney, and Jim Mcilroy of the Socialist Alliance pointed to the Kurdish people’s selfless fight and victory against ISIS and called on democratic circles to stand with the Kurds.

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