Monday, July 25, 2022

Speaker of Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg praises Kazakhstan’s political, economic transformation 


Ambassador of Kazakhstan Mr. Margulan Baimukhan met with the President of Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg Mr. Fernand Etgen, who is also the Head of the «Luxembourg-Kazakhstan» Friendship Group at the Chamber of Deputies of the Grand Duchy, Kazinform has learned from the press service of the Kazakh MFA.

 Taking into account the symbolism of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Luxembourg, the parties discussed further development of political and economic cooperation, importance of ensuring energy and food security. The interlocutors also noted the need to intensify the inter-parliamentary dialogue, including organization of bilateral visits of Kazakh and Luxembourg parliamentarians.

 The Kazakh diplomat briefed the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies on political reforms initiated by the President of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev, socio-economic development of the «New Kazakhstan», results of the national referendum aimed at strengthening the principles of democracy, rule of law and civil society institutions.

 Noting a significant increase in mutual trade between Kazakhstan and the EU in the first half of this year, which has already exceeded 20 billion US dollars (an increase of 51.2%), M. Baimukhan drew the politician's attention to export, transport and transit opportunities of Kazakhstan. 

Along with this, the Kazakh diplomat noted the focus of our country on achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, and stressed that Kazakhstan, being a major economy in Central Asia, pays special attention to improving the investment climate and creating the most favorable conditions for investors. 

The Kazakh diplomat also informed the Luxembourgish parliamentarian about results of the IV Consultative Meeting of Heads of States of Central Asia in Cholpon-Ata and The Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation for the Development of Central Asia in the 21st century was agreed upon and the procedure for its signing began. 

Emphasizing the role of Luxembourg as one of the founders of the European Union and its democratic institutions, F. Etgen noted that political transformations in Kazakhstan indicate an active stage in the development of Kazakhstani democratic institutions, while economic success and diversification of the economy of the Kazakhstan reveal the high potential of the country. 

The parliamentarian also stressed that Kazakhstan and Luxembourg have many mutual interests on the world stage, expressed his interest in further strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation. 

The parties agreed to maintain constant contact in order to implement the upcoming bilateral events. The Kazakh diplomat once again confirmed the invitation of the Mazhilis of the Parliament to visit Kazakhstan. In turn, the Speaker of the Luxembourgish Parliament expressed his readiness to meet with his Kazakh counterparts in Luxembourg.

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