Monday, July 25, 2022

Turkish attacks on Rojava continue

The Turkish army attacks villages in the northern Syrian cantons of Heseke and Shehba. Among other things, a base of Syrian regime troops has also been attacked.

Monday, 25 Jul 2022

As reported by the ANHA news agency, the Turkish army began shelling the villages of Esediyê, Xidrawî, Til Werd, Um Hermela and Khirbet al-Shair near Zirgan (Abu Rasen) with artillery shells on Monday morning. So far, there are only reports of material damage in the canton of Heseke. The Assyrian village of Tawila to the west of Til Temir is also under attack. There is still no information about any damage or casualties.

The canton of Shehba, which lies further west and borders on occupied Afrin, is also under fire. Among other things, the Turkish army fired on a Syrian military base in Til Mediq (ar. Tall Madiq). At the same time, the towns of Til Mediq and Herbel were also shelled with artillery shells. According to information received so far, property damage was caused.

Deadly attacks on northern and eastern Syria are taking place almost daily. Only on Friday, two high-ranking YPJ commanders and another fighter were killed by a Turkish killer drone in Qamishlo.

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