Saturday, August 13, 2022

A TikToker Sorted Canadian Provinces Into Hogwarts Houses & There Was An 'Immediate Slytherin'

Katherine Caspersz - Yesterday- Narcity

Do you consider yourself a brave Gryffindor? An intelligent Ravenclaw? A loyal Hufflepuff, or a cunning Slytherin? If you think you have a good idea of which Harry Potter Hogwarts house you think you belong to, this TikTok might just prove you wrong.

© Provided by Narcity

TikToker Lauren Hunter (@thehunterathome) decided to take on the role of Sorting Hat and choose which Canadian provinces belong in each Hogwarts house, and while some choices might be surprising, others are so accurate.

Hunter began by saying there was an "immediate Slytherin that comes to mind."

"Yeah, it's Alberta," she said. "No explanation needed."

She also put Ontario in the Slytherin house, saying that it's because "the politicians and the Toronto Maple Leafs live here." Ouch!

Next, she moved on to Hufflepuff.

"Hufflepuff's known for patience, fair, hardworking and sometimes blandly nice people," she said. "Sounds like Saskatchewan."

"Also, B.C. should be Hufflepuff purely for the reason that they like to 'hufff and puff,' if you catch my drift," she said cheekily, referring to the province's penchant for cannabis.

Moving on, she said the Maritimes are "like a bit of Gryffindor and a bit of Ravenclaw 'cause they're loyal but gosh darn it are people in the Maritimes funny, so definitely Ravenclaw for wit."

Although, there was one province that was an exception to this.

"The Bank of Nova Scotia was started in Nova Scotia," Hunter said. "I feel like anywhere that starts a bank is a Slytherin."

In the second part of her video about Hogwarts houses, Hunter said that, once again, "an immediate Slytherin comes to mind," this time, Quebec.

"If Alberta is Draco Malfoy, Quebec is Lucius Malfoy," she explained.

Moving to Manitoba, Hunter simply said "Hufflepuff."

"I'm sorry, you guys have got real non-main-character energy," she said with a laugh. "I'm sorry, Manitoba."

Returning to the Atlantic provinces, she placed Newfoundland in Ravenclaw, "a house known for wit," because "getting 'Screeched' in is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life," she said, referring to the process by which a visitor becomes an honorary Newfoundlander, which involves kissing a codfish and drinking Screech rum.

"P.E.I.? Gryffindor," she said, explaining that the province's coastline is "Gryffindor material."

Finally, Nunavut was left in the cold (no pun intended).

"Nunavut I'm not sorting into any house, because they're probably having 'none of it,'" she said (pun intended, here).

Speaking to Narcity Québec, Hunter said that viewers seemed to be divided on her Harry Potter house choices.

"Some people definitely agree with the sorting, others definitely do not," she said. "Everyone seems to agree that Alberta is Slytherin. However, folks seem divided on whether Quebec is Slytherin. Some say it 100% is [...] but Quebecers say they're more like Gryffindor!"

"Everybody, though, seems to agree that Saskatchewan is Hufflepuff!"

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