Tuesday, August 02, 2022

All of us, right now

We can confirm that the federal government is working on a regularization program a program to give permanent resident status to undocumented people. Plans are also being made that will impact migrant workers, students, families and refugees. 


Sometime this summer or fall, Prime Minister Trudeau will decide how many undocumented people will be regularized and which low-wage migrants will be granted permanent resident status.


This is a historical and unprecedented opportunity but only if we act. To win regularization for the most people, we need to show Prime Minister Trudeau that tens of thousands of people are united in calling for Status for All. 

To win the largest and most inclusive regularization program that will include the most people, thousands of us must take action.


(1) We need to get at least 12,000 more petition signatures  to meet our target of 17,000 petition signatures by August 17 to call for Status for All 1.7million people. Ask THREE friends to add their name today: http://www.statusforall.ca/ 


(2) Gather paper petition signatures. Talk to your neighbours, get signatures on the bus, stand outside the grocery store. Download paper petitions, print and get petitions signed. Join our meeting today if you've questions on how to get petitions signed. 


(3) Put up posters at your local MP office and in your neighbourhood. We need to make sure that every MP in the country knows what's we want right now. 


(4) If you are part of an organization, write a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau supporting our call for rights, regularization and status for allSee our Request for Support to Labour, Environmental and Civil Society Organizations here.


Check out photos from July 17, when we marched, had meetings, and gathered petition signatures across the country

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