Monday, August 01, 2022


How People Profit Off India’s Garbage | World Wide Waste | Business Insider

Jul 27, 2022

India has more people and produces more garbage than nearly every other country in the world. Many make a living off that waste, from ragpickers to entrepreneurs. Join us as we look at how they turn trash into shoes, tiles, teddy bears, and more.


How a robot recycles our electronic waste – BBC News

Jul 31, 2022

 It’s estimated that the amount of e-waste generated last year was more than 57m tonnes.

Phone recycling is on the rise, but most handsets still end up in landfill sites, reports BBC technology programme Click. The majority of modern smartphones contain about 30 elements, including rare earth materials such as gold and tin. The World Economic Forum has warned that some elements could be completely depleted in 100 yeas.

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