Saturday, August 20, 2022

EU calls on Israel to allow closed Palestinian NGOs to operate

Daniel Stewart - Yesterday 

The EU on Friday expressed its "concern" over the closure of six Palestinian NGOs and stressed that it is "essential" that the Israeli authorities allow them to continue to carry out activities that, in the eyes of the EU-27, are "legitimate and peaceful".

The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, speaks at a conference at the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP).
- Juan Manuel Serrano Arce - Europa Press

Police raids on Thursday put an end to the activity of the NGOs, which the Israeli authorities have accused of having links with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), considered a terrorist organization.

The EU's External Action Service, headed by Josep Borrell, has stressed that the bloc always treats "with the utmost seriousness" any accusation of terrorism and has demanded "substantial information" from Israel to substantiate the accusations.

However, "for now", there would be nothing to justify allegations such as those alluding to a possible misuse of European funds by these NGOs, according to a communiqué from European diplomacy.

The EU has stressed in its note that "a free and strong civil society is indispensable to promote democratic values and move towards a two-state solution" between Israelis and Palestinians", so it "will continue to support civil society organizations that seek to promote respect for international law, human rights and democratic values".

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