Saturday, August 13, 2022

SCOTUS Disapproval Rating Hits Record High In Fox News Poll

Damir Mujezinovic

In late June, the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that recognized a woman's constitutional right to abortion, causing considerable backlash from the public.

Polls have suggested for years that most Americans believe a woman should have a right to choose, and one new survey shows that the Rove v. Wade reversal has significantly impacted the Supreme Court's popularity.

SCOTUS Approval Rating

Forty-one percent of respondents in the latest Fox News poll said they approve of the Supreme Court, while 55 percent said they disapprove.

This is the highest disapproval rating Fox News has recorded since 2006 since it first began asking this question.

In comparison, 48 percent disapproved of the Supreme Court in June. Just thirty-one percent disapproved of the Court in July 2020, and 30 percent disapproved of it in January 2006.

The largest increases in disapproval compared to two years ago were recorded among liberals, Democrats, moderates, independent voters, suburban women, and suburban whites.

Disapproval of the Supreme Court went up 39 percentage points among liberals, 33 percent among Democrats and moderates, and 32 percent among suburban women, suburban whites, and independents.

Moreover, the percentage of Americans feeling unsure about the Supreme Court went down from 15 percent two years ago to four percent now.

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