Tuesday, August 30, 2022

US proposes a «controlled shutdown» of the Zaporiyia power plant to avoid risks

Daniel Stewart - Yesterday 

The White House has put forward a "controlled shutdown" of the Zaporiyia nuclear power plant, located in southern Ukraine and controlled by Russian troops, as the best option to avoid a possible atomic accident.

IAEA mission departs Vienna for the Zaporiyia plant in Ukraine
 - OIEA/DEAN CALMA© Provided by News 360

Coinciding with the dispatch to the area of a mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a spokesman for the US National Security Council, John Kirby, has recalled that Russia has "militarized" the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

"We continue to believe that a controlled shutdown of the reactors would be the safest and least dangerous option in the short term," said Kirby, who applauded the start of the international mission that is called to monitor the situation 'in situ'.

Kirby, who appeared at a press conference, also assessed the evolution of the military front, noting that the Ukrainian forces now have a "good chance" to regain ground, reports the portal Politico. On Monday, they announced the launch of a counteroffensive in the Kherson area.

Although the exact scope of these operations is not clear at the moment, the White House assumes that Russia has already had to move resources from eastern Ukraine to the south, fearing the loss of part of what it has conquered in recent months.

"From a strategic point of view, (the Ukrainian offensive) has already had an effect on Russian military capabilities inside Ukraine," he said.

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