Tuesday, September 27, 2022

4 parties agree in debate - fur farms need to banned in Quebec, CAQ doesn't participate

Christine Long
CTV News Montreal Videojournalist

Updated Sept. 22, 2022

The Montreal SPCA recently hosted the first ever provincial electoral debate on animal protection, and the organization is demanding that fur farms be banned in Quebec.

At fur farms, after spending their lives in small wire cages, minks and foxes are then euthanized for their fur.

"Anal electrocutions for fox and asphyxiations for mink, these are the standard practices," said Sophie Gaillard, director of animal advocacy and legal affairs and the interim director at the Montreal SPCA.

There are three fur farms left in Quebec, and the SPCA wants them closed.


Opinion: A call to end fur farms and stop cruelty to foxes, minks and other animals

Opinion: Criticisms of fur farming are misleading and unfair

"Over 15 countries have banned fur farming due to the inherent cruelty, and British Colombia has banned mink farming." said Gaillard.

The SPCA invited the five major provincial political parties to a debate on animal protection.

Quebec Solidaire, the Conservative Party of Quebec, the Parti Quebecois (PQ) and the Liberal party participated, and all agreed that fur farming has to end.

"Amazing all four parties committed to banning fur farming in Quebec," said Gaillard.

However, the party that didn't show is the one most likely to be in power again after Oct. 3.

"The CAQ did not take us up on our invitation," said Gaillard.

Veterinarian Dr. Marion Demarchelais says fur farming is out of date.

"It's not compatible with the animal welfare standards in 2022," she said.

Her letter of support for the SPCA says that in both life and death, the code of practices still in effect in Quebec allows these animals to be mistreated.

"All the time they are being handled with gloves and other retraining devices is highly stressful, like terrifying," said Desmarchelais. "Both the SPCA and this veterinarian agree that whoever is in power -- fur farms have to be banned."

Minks on a conveyor belt to be skinned, at Sydvestjysk Pelscenter A.m.b.a. in Varde, Denmark, Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020. 200 More than a quarter million Danes have gone into lockdown in a northern region of the country where a mutated variation of the coronavirus has infected minks being farmed for their fur, leading to an order to kill millions of the animals. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Friday's move was contain the virus, and it came two days after the government ordered the cull of all 15 million minks bred at Denmark’s 1,139 mink farms.
(John Randeris/Ritzau Scanpix via AP)

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