Thursday, September 15, 2022

Biden trolls WSJ editorial board after securing railroad worker deal they suggested wouldn't happen
Brad Reed
September 15, 2022

President Joe Biden is having better news this week, 
with Senate wins and an end to his Covid bout. 

President Joe Biden on Thursday took a victory lap after he and his administration secured a deal to avoid a nationwide railroad workers strike -- and he also used the opportunity to take a shot at his critics at the Wall Street Journal editorial board.

Writing on Twitter, Biden pointed to a WSJ editorial published this week that criticized the president and Democrats for not doing enough to avoid a railroad strike that would have had severely negative effects on the American economy.

"You'd think some $5 trillion in new spending by this Congress, much of which will fatten union bottom lines, would be enough to buy some labor peace," the editors wrote. "Let's see if Democrats side with their Big Labor allies, or with the U.S. economy that needs the trains to run on time."

On Thursday morning, Biden announced he and his administration had struck a deal between the railroads and the unions that increased workers' pay and also the ability to take unpaid time off of work to take care of routine preventative medical care.

"Thanks for your concern, WSJ," Biden wrote in response to the editors. "To answer your question: yes, the trains are running on time."

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