Monday, September 12, 2022

Eric Trump comes under fire for claiming his father has done more for Christianity than anyone

Sarah K. Burris
September 11, 2022

Eric Trump on Facebook.

Eric Trump, the middle son of a former president, Donald Trump, made a curious claim that is sending some Christians to turn their heads.

“There’s no one who’s done more for Christianity than Donald Trump. No one," said the younger Trump.

Former Trump lawyer, Jenna Ellis, noted that the video left out that Eric Trump was talking about "religious freedom" when he said that no one had done more for Christianity. Those viewed as the biggest fighters for religious freedom tend to be the founding fathers, who wrote into the Constitution that Americans could think and believe what they want. The right seems to believe that religious freedom means that churches can do whatever they want and that right-wing Christianity is more powerful than the government and "religious freedom" only applies to Christianity to the right-wing.

It's a claim that many dispute, as Jesus Christ is generally considered to have done the most for Christianity since it's named after him.

"No one has done more for Christian nationalism, not for Christianity. That Eric Trump doesn’t know the difference is the problem," tweeted Baptist Pastor George Mason.

Brian Tyler Cohen's podcast account noted that he could think of at least "one or two people" who did more than Trump.

Actor Ken Olin also found the claim absurd, noting that even Eric Trump's "ignorance is ignorant."

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL) is a frequent foe of the Trump family. He also suggested Jesus might be a better choice, if not him, Billy Graham was his other suggestion.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves," Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount, some of those commenting on Trump recalled.

Others were quick to suggest people like Mother Teresa, who was declared a saint by the Catholic Church in 2003. Another mentioned Pope Francis, who leads the Catholic church, and is said to have "divine institution, supreme, full, immediate, and universal power in the care of souls," according to the Catechism.

There were many other options from those online and they all appeared to be people who dedicated their lives to charity, service and God.

See the clip from Eric Trump's speech in the video below or at the link here:


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