Monday, September 26, 2022


Maarten Schmidt, the father of quasars, dies at age 92

Famed astronomer Maarten Schmidt's 1963 breakthrough discovery rocked the astronomy world, helping change the universe's origin story.

Maarten Schmidt, seen here investigating a spectra in 1965, played a pivotal role in unraveling the early mysteries of quasars.
Caltech Archives

The world of astronomy mourned the recent passing of Dutch-American astronomer Maarten Schmidt, the first person to measure the distance to a quasar. His groundbreaking work in the 1960’s greatly expanded the size of the known universe, providing one of the first clues that the Big Bang theory was correct. Schmidt died on Sept. 17 at his home in Fresno, California. He was 92 years old.

The story of quasars began several years before Schmidt focused his attention on them. Starting in the 1950s, astronomers identified several sources of radio emissions in the sky. Many of those radio sources could be assigned to known objects, like bright stars or nearby galaxies. But some remained frustratingly elusive, having no visible counterpart. Whatever these strange radio sources were, they appeared as point-like objects, indicating that they were either huge in size but incredibly far away or small and nearby.

Astronomers, never slow to assign a name to a new category of celestial phenomenon, quickly designated these radio sources “quasi-stellar objects,” which was shortened to quasars.

Unraveling the mysteries of quasars

Schmidt, who received his Doctor of Philosophy from Leiden University in 1956 under the tutelage of Dutch astronomer Jan Oort (of Oort Cloud fame), eventually moved to the California Institute of Technology to continue his studies into the properties and evolution of galaxies. Among Schmidt’s many accomplishments during his tenure there, he was the first to discover that the density of interstellar gas within galaxies was proportional to their rate of star formation, a relationship now known as the Schmidt law (or, more recently, the Kennicutt-Schmidt law).

Schmidt then turned his attention to finding the light spectra of radio sources, especially these mysterious quasars. By the early 1960s, astronomers had been able to identify optical light counterparts to one other quasar, but its spectrum remained poorly understood — its light output did not match any other known type of astronomical object.

In 1963, Schmidt used the 200-inch Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory to discover the optical counterpart of the quasar known as 3C 273, one of the first to be discovered. He also gathered the spectrum of this poorly understood object, and that spectrum featured strange emission lines that, once again, defied explanation.

After several weeks of deep contemplation and much nervous pacing around his home, Schmidt realized what he was looking at: a perfectly normal galaxy. All the emission lines from all the usual elements were there, like hydrogen and helium, but they were simply shifted far down toward the red end of the spectrum.

The light spectrum of an astronomical object can shift from two things. One is the Doppler effect: If an object is moving away from us, the wavelength of its emitted light will lengthen, and its emission lines will be redshifted. But the position of the emission lines from 3C 273 implied a recession velocity of around 100 million mph, some 15 percent the speed of light!

This redshift result was orders of magnitude larger than that found for any other known object.

Quasars: The luminous cores of distant galaxies

Schmidt argued for another interpretation in his Nature paper describing his discovery: the Big Bang. Distant objects are pulled away from us due to the expansion of space itself, which also causes a redshift. It was this realization that allowed Edwin Hubble to lay the observational groundwork for the Big Bang theory in the 1920s. But besides Hubble’s insight, there was little more to anchor the Bang Bang in observations. And so astronomers continued to debate its validity.

Schmidt’s work showed that 3C 273 was billions of light-years away, making it the most distant astronomical object known at the time. This discovery of the first distance to a quasar dramatically rewrote our understanding of the true scale of the cosmos.

For quasars to be detectable at such vast distances, they must be insanely luminous. In fact, they must be the most luminous objects in the universe. Schmidt believed that when we observe a quasar, we are seeing the light emitted as gas violently swirls and grinds together around a gigantic black hole in a newly forming galaxy, which turned out to be the correct interpretation.

The existence of quasars provided proponents of the Big Bang theory a major observational win. Quasars only appear in the distant universe; there are no nearby objects like them.

In the Big Bang model, the universe changes and evolves as it continues to cool and expand. And because quasars are only found far, far away, they must have only existed in the early universe, not our modern-day one.

In 1966, Time magazine put Schmidt on their cover, likening his discovery of the true nature of quasars to those of Galileo’s in its power to reshape our understanding of the universe. And an accomplishment like that is sure to live on. 

Caltech Mourns the Passing of Maarten

Schmidt, 1929-2022

September 19, 2022

Maarten Schmidt, Francis L. Moseley Professor of Astronomy, Emeritus, at Caltech, passed away on Saturday, September 17, 2022. He was 92 years old. Schmidt is well known for his 1963 discovery of quasars—extremely bright and distant cosmic objects powered by active supermassive black holes.

Schmidt was born in December of 1929, in Groningen, the Netherlands. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Groningen, a PhD from Leiden University in 1956, and a Doctor of Science degree from Yale in 1966.

After earning his PhD, Schmidt did postdoctoral work at the Mount Wilson and Mount Palomar observatories for two years as a Carnegie Fellow. He then returned to the University of Leiden for one year before moving to the United States.

Schmidt joined Caltech in 1959 as an associate professor of astronomy. He became full professor in 1964, Institute Professor in 1981, and Moseley Professor in 1987. He retired and became Moseley Professor, Emeritus, in 1996. He had also served as the executive officer for astronomy from 1972 to 1975, chair of the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy from 1976 to 1978, and director of the Hale Observatories from 1978 to 1980.

After first coming to Caltech, Schmidt focused on mass distribution and dynamics of galaxies. During this period, he published a paper titled "The Rate of Star Formation," in which he outlined a relationship between gas density and star formation rate in a given region. This relationship came to be known as the Schmidt law.

Schmidt is best known for his discovery of quasars and his measurement of their great distances from Earth. While studying the light spectra of radio sources, he noticed that a cosmic object called 3C 273 produced spectral lines that had been shifted to the red end of the spectrum, or "red shifted," indicating that the object was roughly 3 billion light-years away, well outside our galaxy. Because the faraway object shone too brightly to be a star, Schmidt came to the realization that the "quasi-stellar object" was the core of a forming galaxy, in which swirling disks of matter surround a supermassive black hole.

Since this pivotal observation in 1963, thousands of quasars have been identified. These objects were more common in the early universe and are visible from Earth today because of the time it takes for light to travel over such enormous distances. Schmidt's work gave astronomers a deep insight into the history of our universe.

Schmidt is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the Kavli Prize for Astrophysics (2008); the Bruce Medal (1992); the James Craig Watson Medal (1991); the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1980); the Henry Norris Russel Lectureship (1978); and the Helen B. Warner Prize (1964). He was also on the cover of Time magazine on March 11, 1966.

He is survived by his three daughters: Anne, Marijke, and Elizabeth.

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