Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Newfound 'snaky croc-face' sea monster unearthed in Wyoming

Jennifer Nalewicki - Monday

Millions of years ago, an enormous, long-necked marine reptile undulated through the waters of an ancient seaway in what is now Wyoming, whipping its snaky neck back and forth and using its crocodilelike jaws to snap up fish and other small sea creatures.

An artist's rendition of what the plesiosaur may have looked like millions of years ago.© Nathan Rogers

Paleontologists discovered fossils of this sinuous sea monster in 1995 during a dig in the minimally explored uppermost portion of Pierre Shale, a geological formation dating to the Upper Cretaceous period (approximately 101 million to 66 million years ago). And unlike other plesiosaurs, this animal had physical characteristics that set it apart from other members of this extinct clade of marine reptiles.

Now, researchers have revealed their findings about this new species in a study published online Sept. 26 in the journal iScience.

"Plesiosaurs typically come in two distinct flavors or morphological types and have either a long, snakelike neck with a small head, or a short neck and a long crocodilelike jaw," Walter Scott Persons IV, a paleontologist from the College of Charleston in South Carolina and the study's lead author, told Live Science. "In this case, this weird, unique beast is a cross between the two."

Related: Giant 'sea monsters' evolved big bodies to offset long necks being a total drag

Paleontologists dubbed the animal Serpentisuchops pfisterae, which translates to "snaky crocface." This 23-foot-long (7 meter) creature's remains have been on display in the Glenrock Paleontological Museum near Casper, Wyoming, since the fossils were unearthed more than 25 years ago.

"The first time I saw Serpentisuchops pfisterae," Persons said, "I was still in elementary school."

In the decades since, paleontologists have conducted detailed studies of the animal's remains, which represent about 35% of the body and include its "beautifully preserved lower jaw, sizable amount of its skull, its complete neck, vertebrae, the majority of its tail and some ribs," Persons said.

"The only pieces that we're missing are elements of its limbs or paddles," which it used for swimming, he added.

Also found at the shale-rich site — described by Persons as resembling "the surface of the moon" or "a trip to Mordor" — were 19 teeth; just one was still in place in the specimen's jaw, while the rest were scattered among the remains. However, according to the study, the presence of roots in the jaw confirmed that the teeth were from this particular specimen and not another plesiosaur.

"The tall, conical teeth are smooth and not serrated with a cutting edge, so this animal wouldn't have been able to bite through thick bones," he said. "The teeth had a single function, which was to do a very good job at stabbing and skewering prey. It likely went after slippery prey that wouldn't put up much of a fight, such as small fish or abundant cephalopods."

This new finding "reveals a whole new ecotype, an animal that is specialized in a way that's different from all the other plesiosaurs that were around at the same time," with adaptations, " to do something different and become good at making a living amongst the other animals that shared its environment," he said.

Originally published on Live Science.

Fish fossil catch from China includes oldest teeth ever

By MADDIE BURAKOFF, AP Science Writer - 

NEW YORK (AP) — A big catch of fish fossils in southern China includes the oldest teeth ever found — and may help scientists learn how our aquatic ancestors got their bite.

This illustration provided by Heming Zhang in September 2022 depicts some of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Heming Zhang via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

The finds offer new clues about a key period of evolution that’s been hard to flesh out because until now scientists haven't found many fossils from that era. In a series of four studies, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, researchers detail some of their finds, from ancient teeth to never-before-seen species.

This illustration provided by Heming Zhang in September 2022 depicts Xiushanosteus mirabilis, one of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Heming Zhang via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

The fossils date back to the Silurian period, an important era for life on earth from 443 million years ago to 419 million years ago. Scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time.

This let the fish hunt for prey instead of “grubbing around" as bottom feeders, filtering out food from the muck. It also sparked a series of other changes in their anatomy, including different kinds of fins, said Philip Donoghue, a University of Bristol paleontologist and an author on one of the studies.

This illustration provided by Qiuyang Zheng in September 2022 depicts fauna from Chongqing Lagerstätte, where fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Qiuyang Zheng via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

“It’s just at this interface between the Old World and the New World,” Donoghue said.

But in the past, scientists haven’t found many fossils to show this shift, said Matt Friedman, a University of Michigan paleontologist who was not involved in the research. They’ve been relying on fragments from the time — a chunk of spine here, a bit of scale there.

The fossils from China are expected to fill in some of those gaps as researchers around the world pore over them

A field team discovered the fossil trove in 2019, Min Zhu, a paleontologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences who led the research, said in an email. On a rainy day, after a frustrating trip that hadn't revealed any fossils, researchers explored a pile of rocks near a roadside cliff. When they split one rock open, they found fossilized fish heads looking back at them.

After hauling more rocks back to the lab for examination, the research team wound up with a huge range of fossils that were in great condition for their age.

The most common species in the bunch is a little boomerang-shaped fish that likely used its jaws to scoop up worms, said Per Erik Ahlberg of Sweden’s Uppsala University, an author on one of the studies.

This illustration provided by Heming Zhang in September 2022 depicts Fanjingshania renovata, one of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Heming Zhang via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

Another fossil shows a sharklike creature with bony armor on its front — an unusual combination. A well-preserved jawless fish offers clues to how ancient fins evolved into arms and legs. While fossil heads for these fish are commonly found, this fossil included the whole body, Donoghue said.

This illustration provided by Qiuyang Zheng in September 2022 depicts Tujiaaspis vividus, one of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Qiuyang Zheng via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

And then there are the teeth. The researchers found bones called tooth whorls with multiple teeth growing on them. The fossils are 14 million years older than any other teeth found from any species — and provide the earliest solid evidence of jaws to date, Zhu said.

Alice Clement, an evolutionary biologist at Australia’s Flinders University who was not involved with the research, said the fossil find is “remarkable” and could rewrite our understanding of this period.

This illustration provided by Heming Zhang in September 2022 depicts Qianodus duplicis, one of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Heming Zhang via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

The wide range of fossils suggests there were plenty of toothy creatures swimming around at this time, Clement said in an email, even though it's the next evolutionary era that is considered the “Age of Fishes.”


The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

This illustration provided by Heming Zhang in September 2022 depicts Shenacanthus vermiformis, one of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Heming Zhang via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

This illustration provided by Heming Zhang in September 2022 depicts Tujiaaspis vividus, one of the fossil fish, more than 400 million years old, which were found by researchers in southern China, announced in a series of studies published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. The fossils date back to the Silurian period when scientists believe our backboned ancestors, who were still swimming around on a watery planet, may have started evolving teeth and jaws around this time. (Heming Zhang via AP)© Provided by Associated Press

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