Sunday, September 04, 2022

Salvini sparks political storm in Italy by questioning Russia sanctions

Daniel Stewart -

The leader of Italy's far-right League party, Matteo Salvini, has stirred up a political storm by questioning the effectiveness of sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

The leader of the Italian party League, Matteo Salvini - Johannes Neudecker/dpa© Provided by News 360

"You can't joke about the issue of war and sanctions. It is irresponsible to campaign like that and it questions the reliability of the country," Democratic Party leader Enrico Letta has warned during his participation in the Ambrosini Forum being held in the northern Italian town of Cernobbio.

"When I hear Salvini talk about sanctions, I seem to hear Putin's propaganda and I sincerely worry that our country is giving a nod to Putin," added for her part the Minister for Southern and Territorial Cohesion, Mara Carfagna, of the conservative Forza Italia party.

For Antonio Tajani, also of Forza Italia, "sanctions are inevitable and any decision must be taken at the European level." "Within the center-right there is debate, but not quarrels. At this moment we need strong European solidarity," he said.

Salvini defended that "the Italians are losing and the Russians are winning" and that "evidently in Brussels, someone has made a mistake with the accounts."

"We are facing the only case in the world in which sanctions to stop a war, to bring a regime to its knees, to block attacks, do not harm those sanctioned, but those who sanction", he said.

"We must continue to support, defend and help the Ukrainian people, but sanctions are not hurting Russia, which is making hundreds of billions more. They are hurting our businesses and our families," he noted.

Already on Sunday, Salvini was more conciliatory. "Europe says no lifting of sanctions? Well. One alone goes nowhere. I do not bark at the moon. Let's leave them," he said. In addition, he has called for a "European shield", although he has reiterated his argument: "Sanctions do not work. Whoever invades a country is totally wrong. We have always supported any aid to Ukraine, but several months have passed and the gas bills are even tripling. The war continues and Russia's coffers are filled with money," he reiterated.

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