Sunday, September 04, 2022

Quebec election: CAQ proposes two private medical centres to ease hospital strain

MONTREAL — The Coalition Avenir Québec promised Saturday to build a pair of private medical centres that would provide services that would be free to Quebecers and reimbursed by medicare in an attempt to ease overflowing public emergency rooms.

CAQ Leader François Legault made the announcement on Day 7 of the Quebec election campaign in the eastern Montreal riding of Anjou-Louis-Riel, a region where the party is hoping to increase its presence on the Island of Montreal where it currently only holds two seats.

Legault said the first two clinics would be up and running by 2025 in Montreal's east-end and Quebec City, with plans to eventually build up to a dozen in the province.

“If we want to change the health network, well, we have to change the recipe, we have to innovate,” Legault said.

Legault described the proposed centres, built privately for $35 million, as falling somewhere between a family clinic and a large hospital. They would aim to ease the strain on Quebec's health network, he added.

The medical centres would include a family medicine clinic, other basic health services and an emergency room for minor or lower priority cases and day surgeries.

Legault said using the word "private" when it comes to health care is "delicate," but noted that 20 per cent of services in the province are already provided by the private sector.

More than 21,000 Quebec residents are awaiting a surgical procedure in the province. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Quebec sent some patients to be treated privately to reduce some of the wait times.

"The private sector can be complementary to what we do," said Christian Dubé, the province's most recent health minister, who is seeking re-election. "The more we will settle (minor cases), the more it leaves room for surgeons in major hospitals … to attack the waiting list."

The CAQ promise was denounced by political rivals, with Quebec solidaire's co-spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois saying if private involvement really worked in health care, there would already be plenty of examples.

“François Legault persists with solutions that do not work," said Nadeau-Dubois, whose party has proposed upgrading community clinics and turning the province's 811 health line into a proper triage service. "The reality is that he has a dogmatic love for the private sector and that he persists with proposals that weaken our system."

Liberal Leader Dominique Anglade said the private system should be used to deal with surgical backlogs only.

The Conservative Party of Quebec has also promised to make more room for private health care as part of its plan. But Legault said Saturday's promise had "nothing to do with what is happening in the other parties" and the CAQ believes the emergency room is too often the main point of entry for patients.

On Day 7 of the provincial election campaign, Quebec solidaire pledged 37,000 new subsidized daycare spaces if they are elected during a stop in Rimouski, Que., in the lower St-Lawrence region.

For its part, the Parti Québécois promised to bring private daycares under the public system, converting 119,000 spaces over five years at a cost of $543 million per year. PQ Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon said home daycares would not be part of the conversion plan.

"If we know that more than 50,000 children are on the waiting list, we can assume that tens of thousands of parents right now … are not participating in the labour market due to a lack of child care spaces," St-Pierre Plamondon said in Quebec City, adding he had personally dealt with the lack of child care spaces during the pandemic.

Speaking in Senneterre, Que., in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, Anglade announced a $500 million plan to encourage seniors to return to work to deal with the province's labour shortage through a number of measures, including raising basic income tax exemptions to ensure they aren't penalized if continuing to work while earning a pension.

The Liberals say there are no fewer than 270,000 vacant jobs in Quebec.

Also Saturday, Conservative Leader Éric Duhaime visited a winery in the Mauricie region where he pledged to end the monopoly of the Quebec Liquor Corporation and loosen rules regarding competition and where alcohol can be sold.

"The sale of alcohol must certainly be supervised, but not in the form of a state monopoly," Duhaime said in a statement. "Currently, we are in an extremely complex and over-regulated system."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 3, 2022.

— with files from Caroline Plante, Patrice Bergeron, Stéphane Rolland and Frédéric Lacroix-Couture.

Sidhartha Banerjee, The Canadian Press

Quebec election: CAQ admits that family doctor for all Quebecers 'not possible'


MONTREAL — The Coalition Avenir Québec is no longer promising all Quebecers access to a family doctor, recognizing Friday that a key promise the party made four years ago is simply not achievable.

CAQ Leader François Legault during the 2018 election campaign promised everyone a family doctor but failed to follow through after he was elected premier.

On Day 6 of the election campaign, outgoing Health Minister Christian Dubé said the party won't promise something that is "not possible." Instead, he said, what Quebecers really need is access to medical care from qualified health workers — such as nurses or pharmacists.

"I think what Quebecers want is access to a health professional," Dubé said just south of Quebec City alongside Legault. "In the best circumstances, that should be a doctor, but I think what Quebecers have realized, especially during the pandemic, is they can be served by health professionals who are not necessarily doctors."

The Liberals, meanwhile, have promised that if they are elected, the hundreds of thousands of Quebecers waiting for a family physician would get one.

Legault and Dubé promised Friday that the CAQ would gradually launch a digital health platform to serve as an entry point into the health system and direct people to the right health-care professional. The objective would be to offer someone with a medical need — that isn't an emergency — an appointment with a health-care worker within 36 hours.

Meanwhile, in Lachute, Que., northwest of Montreal, Conservative Party of Quebec Leader Éric Duhaime discussed his party's health plan, which includes a substantial contribution from the private sector

Duhaime said private companies should be permitted to manage the operations of some hospitals and doctors should be encouraged to practise in the public and private health systems. Quebecers, he added, would be allowed under a Conservative government to buy supplemental insurance for treatment in private clinics. The party also promised to train 1,000 more physicians and to hire as many more nurse practitioners.

In Gatineau, Que., Liberal Leader Dominique Anglade promised access to subsidized daycare spaces for all Quebec children. Anglade told reporters at a local daycare that no fewer than 52,000 kids are waiting for a spot. She said her party would create 67,000 extra places at $1.1 billion per year, with financing coming from a recently signed daycare agreement with the federal government.

Québec solidaire promised to introduce an allowance for caregivers worth up to $15,000 per year and to double home-care services offered by the province. The two measures would cost $1.1 billion annually.

“I walk on the campaign trail and I hear comments like, 'I would rather die than end up in a (long-term care home),'” Québec solidaire co-spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois told reporters while visiting the Gaspé Peninsula. "I hear that almost every week on the ground. It's not normal; I don't accept that."

On Friday, the Parti Québécois promised to triple the amount of home-care services by investing an additional $3 billion a year into the health system. Campaigning in Gatineau, Que., leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon proposed abandoning the Legault government's model of new, smaller seniors homes — a key 2018 promise by the CAQ. St-Pierre Plamondon said he would only complete the homes under construction.

Legault, however, insisted that both long-term care and home care are needed. Currently, 43 of the promised 46 seniors homes are under construction.

“We have invested $2 billion in the last four years for home care and services, except that there are people who at some point no longer have their autonomy and need continuous service — to go in a (long-term care home) or a seniors home," Legault said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 2, 2022.

— With files from Stéphane Rolland, Frédéric Lacroix-Couture, Patrice Bergeron, and Pierre Saint-Arnaud.

Sidhartha Banerjee, The Canadian Press

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