Friday, September 30, 2022

Michael Flynn Ominously Warns Governors May Soon 'Declare War'

Mary Papenfuss
Thu, September 29, 2022

Donald Trump’s onetime national security adviser Michael Flynn warned at an Arizona campaign event that governors may soon “declare war.”

He also said that “90% of federal agencies” should be eliminated.

The far-right extremist pushed his theories in a speech earlier this week at a campaign event for Trump-endorsed, QAnon-supporting election denier Mark Finchem, who’s running for Arizona secretary of state.

“Just lock ’em up,” Flynn exclaimed, apparently referring to federal agencies he wants shuttered.

“States’ rights,” he added. “Did you know that a governor can declare war? A governor can declare war. And we’re going to probably see that,” Flynn warned.

It wasn’t clear what situations might convince governors to “declare war” in Flynn’s scenario — possibly if they’re unhappy with the result of presidential elections in a democracy. The last time governors tried that, it launched a civil war they didn’t win.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution states that it is Congress that has the power to “declare war,” to “raise and support armies.” For the U.S. to wage war, Congress has to pass a resolution in both chambers, then present it to the president, who shall then direct the military as “commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,” according to Article II, Section 2.

Flynn left the Trump administration within weeks after he was named national security adviser because of his lies about connections to Russia amid the investigation into Kremlin interference into the 2016 presidential election.

He later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his Russian ties during Trump’s campaign and transition into the White House. He was sentenced to prison, but Trump pardoned him in 2020.

Flynn, who earlier this month claimed “Israelis” are attempting to inject robotics into Americans to turn them into cyborgs, has been appointed a “poll watcher” for midterm elections by the Republican Party in Sarasota, Florida. He’ll be joined by a leader of the local Proud Boys militia, which aims to overthrow the U.S. government. (Flynn last week said he heard salad dressings were being laced with COVID vaccines.)

Critics are furious that Trump pardoned Flynn — and that he continues to collect a military pension while he appears to oppose everything the military is sworn to protect.

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