Saturday, September 10, 2022

Trump is a 'deeply wounded narcissist' who is 'incapable of acting other than for revenge' — according to his former White House lawyer

Raw Story - Yesterday 11:04 a.m.
By Sky Palma

Shutterstock© provided by RawStory

A former White House lawyer during Donald Trump's administration says he thinks the Justice Department's investigation into whether Donald Trump improperly removed classified documents from the White House is actually related to Jan. 6, CBS News reports.

"It is about the bigger picture, the Jan. 6 issues, the fake electors, the whole scam with regard to the 'big lie' and the attempts to…cling to the presidency in a desperate fashion," Ty Cobb said on the The Takeout podcast.

"The search warrant is unusually large and broad," Cobb said. "It's very, very comprehensive in terms of the types of documents that the government could take."

"For example, you can take any box that has a document. You can take any box adjacent to a box that has it," he said. "Those are pretty broad parameters."

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As CBS News points out, Cobb represented the White House during Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump's campaign's alleged "collusion" with Russia -- an investigation that yielded no charges.

During his time in the White House, Cobb says Trump "was cautioned many times about not tearing up documents."

"In my own experience, I have to say, there wasn't really anything quite as consequential as the press reports that I've read," Cobb said. "I saw him tear up newspaper articles which sadly, some staffer would have to tape back together at the end of the day. I saw him tear up inconsequential documents, but I never saw him tear up a classified document or something that was important."

Cobb went to say that he does not believe the DOJ's investigation is the biggest threat to Trump

"I think the president is in serious legal water, not so much because of the search, but because of the obstructive activity he took in connection with the Jan. 6 proceeding," Cobb said. "I think that and the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."

"I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge," Cobb added. "I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions."

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