Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Upper Management's Plan to Make Employees Feel Stupid Backfires Big Time

Everyone knows that the so-called managerial class is the best at failing upwards. In many cases, it is a manager's mediocrity that allows them to climb the latter, not their intelligence. That's why it's extra funny when upper management actually believes they're smarter than everyone else and therefore deserve their inflated salaries. One particular HR department thought it would be a good idea to give IQ tests to all the software engineers, managers, directors, and VPs at the company. Can you guess who performed the worst?

“HR spent a ton of money to give us all IQ tests. We never got the results. Months later we learned they were thrown away because management performed the worst (Managers/Directors/VPs)” Posted by u/Admirable-Pepper-641

“Streaming is the best example of this. Netflix and Hulu murdered piracy. But now that everyone sees how profitable it is and are rebuilding cable packages one streaming service at a time, piracy is becoming more prevalent again.” said u/EasternShade.

“Sounds about right. And senior management somehow took a promotion to a new company after destroying the old one I bet.” said u/yingyangyoung.

“Because they have low IQ” said u/cleverbiscuit1738.

“Dunning-Kruger would like a word.” said u/Chrysis_Manspider.

“I've always maintained that senior management seem to excel at failing upwards. I'm not surprised at all either.” said u/housepuma.

“Management attracts the most cutthroat people. If they were smart, they wouldn't feel the need to be cutthroat because they would be confident in their ability to earn an honest living.” said u/Big_Goose.

“I agree.” said OP, “To answer your question, I believe they had serious doubts in management after years of a tanking stock price. A year later there was a complete overhaul, the IQ test was also given out right after we were acquired by a much larger company who frankly must’ve been sold a false bill of goods. Also, there are massive companies solely dedicated to providing IQ tests to Fortune 500 companies at a large scale. I won’t name any, but it’s a whole industry. At least when it comes to software sales, most companies require an IQ test now at the interview phase.”

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