Saturday, September 17, 2022

Violent attack against Myanmar unionists

15 September, 2022

Five unionists, including two from IndustriALL affiliate Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM), were violently attacked and arrested by military security officers in Yangon on 13 September.

The unionists were arrested on their way to a peaceful a protest, calling on the United Nations to recognize the National Unity Government of Myanmar and its permanent representative at the UN, U Kyaw Moe Tun.

A group of security officers in plain clothes appeared, using sticks to beat the protestors and firing a few shots.

29 protestors were arrested, including a few student and youth activists. Daw Zuu Zuu Ra Khaing and Daw Yamin Kay Thwe Khaig from IWFM, U Nay Min Tun and U Than Aung from Building and Wood Workers Federation of Myanmar (BWFM), and the driver of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Myanmar (CTUM) U Than Zaw, were among the 29.

CTUM president Maung Maung has issued a press statement condemning the inhuman and cruel attack, expressing his respect for the revolutionary comrades who are devoted to the non-violent democratic struggle.

“We demand that the illegitimate junta releases all protestors immediately. The international community must take action quickly, or the protestors will be interrogated and tortured by the military. Please support the democratic struggle of Myanmar workers; a peaceful protest is not a crime,”

says IWFM president Khaing Zar.

This is not the first violent attack against IndustriALL members in Myanmar. The junta killed a member of Mining Workers' Federation of Myanmar (MWFM), Chan Myae Kyaw, in March 2021.

Five months ago, a military vehicle rammed into a taxi carrying unionists, CTUM staff Khaing Thinzar Aye and IWFM member Ei Phyu Phyu Myint are still detained.

"The Myanmar junta must stop oppressing the people and workers. We wholeheartedly support the demand of the protestors that the NUG must be recognized at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly,”

says IndustriALL general secretary Atle Høie.

The 77th session of the UNGA is convening on 13-26 September. Together with other global unions, IndustriALL is urging the credentials committee and the general assembly to recognize NUG as the legitimate government.

IndustriALL is continuing its campaign for comprehensive economic sanctions against the Myanmar junta and that companies divest from Myanmar.

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