Thursday, October 20, 2022

‘A KNIFE TO THE HEART’: Louis Riel’s grave stone defaced

Dave Baxter Local Journalism Initiative reporter - 

The Manitoba Métis Federation say they are both outraged and insulted after damage done to the gravesite of Louis Riel in Winnipeg was discovered earlier this week.

Damage can be seen over the name and the image of Louis Riel on his gravestone in Winnipeg on Thursday. The Manitoba Métis Federation say they believe the defacement happened on Monday, and say they are outraged by the act, and have filed a police report. Dave Baxter/Winnipeg Sun/Local Journalism Initiative© Provided by Winnipeg Sun

“This deliberate, targeted attack and the complete disrespect shown to Louis Riel as the historic leader of the Red River Métis, the founder of Manitoba, and its first premier, is appalling,” MMF President David Chartrand said in a statement released on Thursday.

The statement comes after the discovery earlier this week of lines crossed over both the name of Riel and his image, on his gravestone on the grounds of the St. Boniface Cathedral in Winnipeg, where Riel was buried after being executed in 1885.

“This is not just offensive to our Nation, it is an insult to all Manitobans, and should be treated as such. It is made worse by the fact that this was done just days before the anniversary of Riel’s birth.”

Riel, who was born on Oct. 22, 1844, is recognized as the founder of Manitoba and as a historic leader of the Métis people.

After leading two resistance movements against the federal government, he was 41 when he was executed by the Canadian government after being convicted of high treason.

MMF said the defacement of the grave was first reported earlier this week on social media by a “vigilant witness” and they believe the act was committed sometime on Monday.

They also confirmed they have filed a police report, and want to see a full investigation undertaken and “justice” served to whoever defaced the grave.

“Louis Riel and his legacy are of vital importance to the history of our Nation. It is deeply disturbing that someone would do this to Riel’s final resting place, a site of many pilgrimages by our citizens and others who wish to honour his contributions to Canada’s confederation.

“We will take all steps necessary to remedy the defacement committed by the individual or individuals who were so disrespectful to this great man’s legacy. I can assure you, we will seek justice for this terrible insult.

“It’s like a knife to the heart of our Nation.”

— Dave Baxter is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter who works out of the Winnipeg Sun. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada

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