Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Canadian MP says Iran carries out collective punishment against Kurds

“It is also part of the collective punishment the regime in Tehran continues against Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan.”
Canadian Conservative Party MP Tom Kmiec (Photo: Kurdistan 24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Canadian Conservative Party MP Tom Kmiec told Kurdistan 24 on Monday that the bombing campaign carried out by Iran in the Kurdistan Region is a “collective punishment” against the “Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan.”

“The bombing campaign using missiles and drones is a violation of Iraqi territorial sovereignty,” he said

“It is also part of the collective punishment the regime in Tehran continues against Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan.”

The Canadian government has recently imposed sanctions on Iranian officials in response to the crackdown by Iran on protests and the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini at the hands of Iran’s morality policy.

Also the Canadian government earlier strongly condemned Iran’s missile and drone attacks on Sept 28 against Iranian Kurdish opposition parties in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, "which have resulted in multiple civilian deaths and injuries.”

Nevertheless, Iran has continued to bomb the Kurdistan Region's border areas for the eleventh consecutive day amidst the widespread protests in Iran.

MP Tom Kmiec said he supports the “limited measures the Canadian government has taken so far under the Special Economic Measures Act but more must be done.”

“The spear of the autocratic regime in Tehran is the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) and they must be listed as a terrorist organization.”

“Conservatives in Canada have been calling for years for the IRGC to be labeled officially as a terrorist group in Canada,” he said.

“This would allow criminal charges to be laid against its agents in Canada and direct our security agencies to treat them the way we do other terrorist organizations. Canada's security agency CSIS found the IRGC responsible for the downing of the civilian flight PS752.”

‘In 2018, Conservatives passed a parliamentary motion calling for the IRGC to be labeled a terrorist group and the federal government in Canada has ignored it since then.”

Moreover, he said Canada “should stop referring to the Iranian regime as elected, review the decision to grant economic sanctions relief in light of Iran's violations of the P5+1 nuclear deal, and finally the Canadian government should begin a campaign at the UN Commission for Women to have Iran ejected from that body because of its systemic violation of women's rights.”

During a passionate speech in the Canadian parliament on Monday, MP Tom Kmiec also said that the “response of Tehran to massive protests at the murder of Jina (Masha) Amini is a collective punishment of the Kurds Rojhlat (Iranian Kurdistan), and the persecution of Iranian protesters for simply demanding their rights be respected.”

Read More: 2,000 Kurds arrested, 23 killed in Iranian Kurdistan during Iran protests: Hengaw

“Over 2000 arrests have followed beatings, hangings and a bombing campaign across Bashur and Rojhlat, hitting civilians in places like Koya, Osnaniveh, Mariwan and sites in Iraq, including areas near Erbil and Sulaymaniyah,” he said.

He added in his speech that recently also 50,000 Canadians took to the streets in Toronto and all across Canada “to rally for free Iran and democratic rights.”

“Millions worldwide have joined in solidarity demanding justice for Jina Masha Amini, meaning the tip of the autocratic spear of oppressing the people of Iran and Rojhlat (Iranian Kurdistan) is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. There is only one moral ethical choice for Canada to list the IRGC as a terrorist organization in Canada.”

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